Coral Keepers 28 gallon Nano-Cube HQI diary.

coral keeper

Active Member
Well, I just came back and got lime wood air stones and a fighting conch. Here are a few pictures of the fighting conch.


coral keeper

Active Member
You should see how my tank looks like right now. lol I added more LR and TONS more corals, and a fish.
I get all my live stock including LR from my favorite LFS.


haha thats awesome!!wat kind of fish/corals did u add?!!thats kool jus wondering cuz im startin up my ap again pretty soon and need to know when to get live rock but anyways thanks

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by beenbag497
haha thats awesome!!wat kind of fish/corals did u add?!!thats kool jus wondering cuz im startin up my ap again pretty soon and need to know when to get live rock but anyways thanks
Umm, I added a royal gramma, and corals.... too many to list. lol

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
need to work on exporting nutrients, that sand is disgusting.
Yeah, I know. Diatoms is the only algae I really have. I used to have red slime and diatoms together. Then I got rid of the red slime and all I have left is to get rid of the diatoms.
The fighting conch should do the trick!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Yeah, I know. Diatoms is the only algae I really have. I used to have red slime and diatoms together. Then I got rid of the red slime and all I have left is to get rid of the diatoms.
The fighting conch should do the trick!

not really, gotta work on what actually makes the slime... phosphates.. run rowaphos or do the turfscrubber.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
not really, gotta work on what actually makes the slime... phosphates.. run rowaphos or do the turfscrubber.
I don't like to use chemical filtration... I've never used chemical filtration and never will.
My filtration is live rock, live sand, chaeto and other micro algae, skimmer, and 10%-15% weekly water changes.


Active Member
Yo Coral Keeper, I am glad someone else besides me doesnt like using chemiclas and goes with a natural approach :) I also have fighting conchs in each of my nanos and they seem to do the trick on the sandbed. i MEAN My sandbed is top notch looking. Superb white coloration all over :) I know that fighting conch will have your sandbed cleaned off tha diatoms in no time. Goodluck