Coral Keepers 28 gallon Nano-Cube HQI diary.


Active Member
you liar you got that from me. i had to sell some oasic shoes for 100 bucks to buy 3 frags pack. and now no money. but my tank is better thank yours lol

bang guy

Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
In the summer, my tank reached 86F and the clams were perfectly fine.

I wanted to mention dissolved oxygen with higher temps. If two tanks are identical except for temperature then the tank with the higher water temperature will have less dissolved oxygen.
At higher temperatures you need to be very sure that you have plenty of water circulation.
Also keep in mind that each species has its individual requirements. Not all corals can thrive at temperatures in the mid 80's. Acropora are notorious for their high oxygen demand. Sometimes in the tropics when the doldrums hit the water temperate climbs and the waves and currents slow down due to less wind. This combination will kill corals, even in the ocean.