Coral Keepers 28 gallon Nano-Cube HQI diary.


Active Member
dang dude, looks great. Whats that green macro algae on the left called? Looks great, adds a nice contrast to the tank.

coral keeper

Active Member
Here is a drawing that I just drew of how the tank will probably look like in the future. Its not going to be 100% like the drawing, but you get the idea. Tell me what you think!



Birdsnest is looking fantatsic, my clowns bump into mine at night causing me to have 5 frags instead of long branches. Everything just looks great, one of the few tanks I enjoy looking at..


Active Member
oh trust me.. you have room lol... you can always make room later..
What is your calcium, mag, and alk at?
If you don't already have the kits, get them.
A kalk stirrer and ATO would make the sps and stonies take off lol...