Originally Posted by New2Salt1
Hey, nice tank. I didnt have a lot of time to read your thread, so can you tell me if you dose the tank with iodine?
My 14gal has a large elegance, a zoa colony with like 30-40 polyps, a large finger coral (sinularia), and a itty bitty pulsing xenia. The xenia hasn't grown like the rest of the corals, so last week I started dosing iodine. Strangely, it "detached" from the "frag puck" it was on, and now it is on a piece of LR. Im thinking it is being blocked by the elegance and finger, and so oit isn't getting enough flow.
how much flow does yours get, and do you dose iodine?
Thanks! I dont dose anything at all. I just do like 15-20% water changes every week. Im using the same stock pump the bio cube came from. But, today, im going to upgrade the stock pump to a 250-275 GHP pump.