Coral Keepers 8 gall bio cube reef tank diary.

coral keeper

Active Member
WOOOOOOT!! I just got a 28g bio cube with a 150 watt HQI metal halide!!
I went for a cleaner shrimp and came back with a cleaner shrimp and a 28 gallon biocube with 150 watt HQI metal halide!


Active Member
okay this is a demand...PICS! haha
are you gonna make the change tonight?
how much did that puppy cost?

can't wait to get my 14gall biocube


coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
okay this is a demand...PICS! haha
are you gonna make the change tonight?
how much did that puppy cost?

can't wait to get my 14gall biocube

I'm selling the 8 gallon biocube and am only going to keep the fish and cleaner shrimp. It was on sale(the 28g) and it costed $571 with taxes.

coral keeper

Active Member
The cube came with a 150 watt HQI MH and the ballast, wave maker, skimmer, 4 moon lights, very strong air pump, two 266 gph pumps, its 28 gallons, and it came with a 150 watt MH bulb thats 14k.