Coral Prop Vid by Eric Borneman


Active Member
Just grab the shroom and use scissors or a razor blade to chop it up. You do not have to get a piece of the mouth in each frag, just start slicing any which way. Then lightly rubberband or net the frags to a rock and they'll attach themselves in a matter of days.


Cut it into quarters and you should be fine. I'd go with the netting though, much easier than rubberbands, imo.


New Member
That video is awesome!! It gave me so much more confidence with fragging.
Borneman made a surprise visit to a LFS in my town over the weekend and I missed it. Would have been nice to have met him.


Active Member
I have triesd and tried and tried to download this file. I get about half opf it at the most and then thats it. I have satelite connection and its usually pretty good. Can someone who has saved this file sernd it to me? Maybe zip it up to save some time. Even if it's not zipped I'd appreciate it!



Very nice video and very informative. I loved the part about the acros i have never seen em mounted on there sides but i will definitely do it like that. He really knows what hes doing. Thanks. :happyfish


After all this time is someone going to release the secret of propogating sebae anenomes?
man at 40 bucks a pop it would be nice to know:) ***)


That was definitely one of the most eye opening pieces of information I have seen in quite some time.
It was so informative that I am only left with one single question after watching it. Eric is obviously a researcher and never mentioned whether or not he is a hobbiest. I bring up that point because of the answer he gave to the lady that asked about feeding her sps specimens. His reply was something along the line of (and I am NOT directly qouting) "I just toss in a handful of food that clouds the water, so I know they are being fed."
Can anyone say "overfeeding"?
I have to speculate that he is referring to tanks of his research specimens. I could be wrong though.
Any thoughts?


Active Member
The only problem with overfeeding corals is that the extra food will degrade the water quality, but a good protein skimmer and/or a micron filter bag will take care of that.


I'm not trying to be a ---- with that short response or anything, but we all know the downside of overfeeding. Unless you can monitor your aquarium 24 hours a day, the likely degradation of water quality by overfeeding is a very risky proposition. Sure, skimming is a great combat, BUT if you are not around to empty it several times a day AND top off the tank with new water, you're hosed.
Those facts make me want to ask again if he is talking about his research tanks instead of a hobby tank. I just can't imagine a hobby reef surviving that amount of input- no matter how much filtration is used.


Active Member
I meant that with a good skimmer and filter bags the food will be removed before it even has time to degrade. Filter bags are easy to clean, and many skimmers' cups have an outlet to automatically empty as it fills up.