Hi Dweeble!
Your fish list is WAY too large for a 29 gallon tank. A safe number is 3 or 4 fish, and then all your inverts. Probably not what you wanted to hear I know. If you want all those fish either go larger- like maybe 75 gallon or plan on a second tank or an upgrade one day. I started with a 16 gallon, then bought a 29 and am stuck there due to space limitations. In my 29 gallon I have a false perc. clown, pygmy angel, bi-color blenny, and spotted shrimp goby. Also a pistol shrimp, two cleaner shrimp and some hermits and snails. It is actually quite crowded IMO with that stock. Happy and healthy crowded but one more fish would be too many at least for my tank.
You could do a pair of clowns and one firefish (they are sometimes hard to find paired at LFS) in order to give you another fish like the fridmani or shrimp and goby pair.
Mushrooms are a great starter coral and can be fragged rather easily too which is just thrilling for a new hobbiest.
Zoos and leathers are also good choices to begin with, you have a fabulous wish list and I have no doubt your tank will be gorgeous with all those corals and fish. Good luck with all the set-up!!