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I agree about water quality and the corals you're attempting to keep as NYCbob pointed out. I also think your temp is a little on the high side and that your lemon peel could be nipping, they are known to do so.
Anyways, you say the temp is kept higher because your hippo gets sick? Hippos are a huge bio load on the tank, they're not going to help with your water quality issues AND IMO, a hippo tang DOES NOT belong in a 90G tank, especially a 90G without a sump. I would ditch the hippo tang honestly.
I know that you're busy this week, but a water change is really needed, you have ammonia, nitrate and nitrite readings in your tank, that's not good. Even if you do a smaller water change than you normally would, something is better than nothing.
Also, how old are your test kits?
BTW, canister filters are no less noisy than a properly set up sump.
Thank you for trying to help.
Temp is down now to 80, I spent all day getting it down. My Hippo is a little guy for now he is fine in a 90g. I got him as tiny, the size of my pinky nail. The whole reason I got into saltwater was to have a Hippo Tang and coral, I am not ready to let him go yet, when I do I will get another tiny one I think. I don’t have many fish.
I haven’t caught the angel nipping at anything, I have been watching. Noise is the second reason for not having a sump, drilling the tank is the first solid reason.
Nitrate 20 and below is hardly a cause for worry
Nitrite at 0.05 is truly almost nothing
My ammonia at .25 bugs me but again, even when I do a 37g water change the reading does not change…maybe I do misread the color chart. It is a yellow green..Yellow is 0 and green is .25. My tests are a month old.
A water change is out of the question. I did add some fresh carbon for now. It takes my RO unit 2 days to get enough water. Then I have to add the salt and wait another 24 hours…all in a tub in my livingroom and I am expecting guests for Pesach dinner. No way can I have such an eye sore during Passover.
I also think NYCbob is right about my corals and LPS. I would at this point like to know what I can keep with the corals that like my tank conditions. Sea squirts sound good, but some say they starve..so I am still looking into them, learning by doing my homework. Do you have any suggestions?