Coraline Algae Question?


Active Member
Can someone tell me how Coraline Algae starts and what it looks like when it's starting?
I have a 10 gallon Reef set up for about 2 months with 80 watt PC lighting. I know it's good to have, but does it occur naturally, or do you have to help it along?
How long does it take to start?:notsure: :happyfish
Thanks for any info.


Active Member

Originally posted by bigarn
Can someone tell me how Coraline Algae starts and what it looks like when it's starting?
I have a 10 gallon Reef set up for about 2 months with 80 watt PC lighting. I know it's good to have, but does it occur naturally, or do you have to help it along?
How long does it take to start?:notsure: :happyfish
Thanks for any info.

It took mine about six months to start growing on everything. You might notice it starting in some areas on your power heads or background first. It almost looks like pink paint.
Helping it along would be keeping your water chemestry levels normal.
I wouldnt add anything to your tank to promote coraline algae growth.


Active Member

Originally posted by theishkid
Hey razor wouldn't he want to add some calcium?

If his water levels show he needs to add it, sure then add calcium.. but dont just add it to being adding something to your tank....
I dont need to chase chem levels in my tank because I dont flood it with crap they sell at the fish store.
I just change my water ever couple weeks about 10% and thats it.
Here are some pics of my algae growth. I have to use a razor blade to keep it off the front and sides of the tank.. its even growing on my frag tank which has only one 50/50 65w light on it.


My tank has been up less than 2 months and the walls are getting covered with it.


my tanks been up for ages. and I just started to get a few specks of coralline growth..
:D :D :D
praying it spreads like ALOT!!!


Hey Razor... I have the same type of leather you do from the picture above. Mine is dark around the base too and getting worse. Do you know what this is and if it's bad? The thing about mine is it's really tall and about half way up it has attached itself to another rock. From there up it looks great but the bottom doesn't look very good anymore. Any ideas?


Active Member

Originally posted by theishkid
Hey Razor... I have the same type of leather you do from the picture above. Mine is dark around the base too and getting worse. Do you know what this is and if it's bad? The thing about mine is it's really tall and about half way up it has attached itself to another rock. From there up it looks great but the bottom doesn't look very good anymore. Any ideas?

They get dark at the base as algae starts to grow there. Its normal.
Mine has the same thing, but darker going on but you cant see it in the picture.
You can cut off the bad area and reattach the leather to a rock. Take the dark parts and put it in a frag tank and it will start to grow and you'll have two leathers :)


Hey razor another thing about the leather. Well mine over the past 6 months has really grown tall. It was about 4 inches and now it's probably 6 or 7... but the base of it at the very bottom has shrivled up a lot. It used to be almost an inch and now it's probably a quarter of an inch. About halfway up though it has attached itself to a new rock. Is this bad? Any suggestions? Is it really ok to cut the bad part off?