
jamie ivie

How Long Does It Take For Coraline To Come After The Tank Has Went Threw Its Cycle And All Brown Agea Is Gone

florida joe

Well-Known Member
You need to seed coraline to grow in your tank it will not just appear get a piece of live rock with a nice covering of it put the rock in your tank and go over it with a tooth brush to stimulate spoor introduction into your water column


Active Member
ANother thing to encourage Coraline growth is to supplement Calcium if Calcium levels are low.

jamie ivie

I have the calcium additive to put in there and stuff to put the essentual elemants back in the water that the protein skimmer takes out


Active Member
Only supplement calcium if you're testing for it and know its low. High Calcium can lead to problems.

jamie ivie

yea i know i plain to just want to get it checked right now im still learning kinda of a double check thing