Corals dying....


They say...don't dose what you don't test for...if you are not dosing anymore I wouldn't worry about it...

tang master

what chemicals are you currently adding to your tank(additives). It sounds like an overdose to me. what you explain is happening happened to me one time and it was because i got excited and accidentaly overdosed.
edit: disregard my questions i just read up on the rest of other peoples post's. lol


Active Member
If you are dosing Iodine daily in a lightly stocked 30g it was too much....I put in ONE drop of Lugols plus once a day in a 120g with a sump of about 25g of water


along the lines of iodine dosing.. my lfs (very reputable) told me to dose daily as well. Only I was told to dose 1 capful daily until testing showed the proper levels. Then to dose only 1 or 2 times a week as needed. I have a 90gal. I was having the same problem as the thread starter with the "melting" corals. This problem is no longer a problem.
Good luck..hopefully you can find the "happy" medium/balance for your tank
I'm a newbie too. I went from happily maintaining a 5 gal for 6 yrs and then made the leap to the 90gal. I'm still hoping to get a "system" of my own for maintaining the tank. I had water clarity problems, nitrate problems, etc. I have now gotten rid of those as well. I can tell you that filtration and water changes are your best friend


I am not longer dosing iodine. I do dose with aragamilk (liquid aragonite) about 4x weekly. I have a calcium test on order, and will get it in a few days. Should I stop dosing that until I can test my Ca levels?


Originally Posted by pthoma79
I am not longer dosing iodine. I do dose with aragamilk (liquid aragonite) about 4x weekly. I have a calcium test on order, and will get it in a few days. Should I stop dosing that until I can test my Ca levels?
I would...


Active Member
wow, that is a lot of calcium dosing.....i only do my tank like once a week if it needs it. you are definitely overdoing it. have you noticed any white powdery stuff in your tank?
if you use good salt mix (like reef crystals) and do normal water changes, you shouldn't have to dose too much. i only dose if my tank needs it. i used to do weekly doses but my corals were gettin too big too fast haha. my tank's only 28 gallons :)