Corline Algae


My corline algae is turning brown is this ok or is it dieing i hope not is there something i can do to bring it back to its purple, red and green color its not all brown but is about 50 percent is. Thanks :help:

bang guy

Coraline normally turns white when it dies. Brown indicates to me than something is growing on top of the Coraline. Try scraping some to see if there's healthy coraline under the brown.


Active Member
its probably diatoms, watch and see if ur clean up crew picks at it, if noty, then take a turkey baster, and see if u can blow it off. that would suck to loose coraline to diatoms :scared:


What is diatoms? I did a search and really did find any thing about it I took a turkey baster and most of it blew off the rocks will a skimmer help to remove it Thanks


Active Member
Are you sure it is not detritus? If it was easily blown off the rock than it probably was not diatoms. How many gallons per hour do you have flowing through your tank (and what size tank)?
Diatoms generally attach themselves to the surface of the rock and are the result of using tap water high in silica (which all tap water is).

bang guy

Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Are you sure it is not detritus? If it was easily blown off the rock than it probably was not diatoms. How many gallons per hour do you have flowing through your tank (and what size tank)?
Diatoms generally attach themselves to the surface of the rock and are the result of using tap water high in silica (which all tap water is).
Silicate ;)


Are you sure it is not detritus? If it was easily blown off the rock than it probably was not diatoms. How many gallons per hour do you have flowing through your tank (and what size tank)?
I'm realy not sure what it is it blows off the rock pertty easy. i have a 55gal with 60lb LR and 90lb of LS im running 2 Maxi jet 900's and a wisper filter. Im going to have a Acua C Remona on tuesday with another maxi jet 1200 pump on it. I hope thats is enough flow if its not let me know Thanks


I have noticed a very small amount of this 'brown growth' on my powerhead in the last week or so. I believe it is because my temperature has not been as stable (78.6) as it normally is.


Originally Posted by kaotik
do you use tap water for water changes?
No I'm using the RO water from Walmart.


Active Member
RickD, how long has your tank been set up? It is normal for diatom blooms to occur in newly cycled tanks. An explosion of hair algae normally follows. Snails help tremendously.


Originally Posted by mudplayerx
RickD, how long has your tank been set up? It is normal for diatom blooms to occur in newly cycled tanks. An explosion of hair algae normally follows. Snails help tremendously.
Thanks for the answer my tanks been up for about 3 months now and i have a reef package coming in the morning so i hope that helps Thanks again


Active Member
Does the reef package include a cleaning crew? You need hermit crabs and snails. I highly recommend mexican turbo snails as they do an incredible job of cleaning.... and I prefer a few large snails over dozens of little ones.
ps- I humbly bow to Bang Guy's post count. You put me to shame lol


In you may have high phosphates and silcates so try some seachem phosgaurd it about 12.00 you put it in a mesh bag just cause it ro water does not mean it phosphate free. Also you may try a u.v. unit like 8 to 18 watt it will kill free floating spoars and bad bacterica. There are other products to use to remove phosphate but I bet that the problem had that happen on alot of new setup. I always like to find a friend to get half my tank volume of water to help age the tank faster. That is a friend with a 2 to 20 year old tank. Hope this helped


Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Does the reef package include a cleaning crew? You need hermit crabs and snails. I highly recommend mexican turbo snails as they do an incredible job of cleaning.... and I prefer a few large snails over dozens of little ones.
ps- I humble bow to Bang Guy's post count. You put me to shame lol

Yes it has
10 Scarlet hermits
10 Blue leg hermimts
20 Turbo/Astrea Snail
5 Nassarius snail
2 brittle stars
1 Coral banded shrimp
3 Emerald Crab
And i have
1 brittle star
4 turbo snails
Do you think this is enought?


Active Member
All your brown growth should go away a week or so after you add the cleaning crew. Just stay away from unfiltered tap water, it will cause nothing but problems. Not "maybe cause problems", but "definately and always cause problems"


I had the same problem in the beginning with my tank 36g, and eventually it went away try using polyfilter pads in your filter, I am now dealing with red slime which i finally figured out is from high phosphates so now am using phos-zorb insert and phos-guard beads with filter bags and as of today (did a phosphate test all is ok) ....but def from high phos and silicates....(tap water problems usually and some home under the sink filters dont take out phosphates ) But also am using Purple up now to help speed up benefitial coraline, so far so good except that it clouds the water for like 2 hrs+ after dosing.......

bang guy

Originally Posted by mudplayerx
ps- I humbly bow to Bang Guy's post count. You put me to shame lol

You're giving sound, useful advice. That's what really matters....