Corner overflow question


I just finished setting up my new perfecto 90 gallon with corner-flo system. Everything is working great except for one thing. Where the return is from the overflow, there is a hole on the piping were it the elbow is ( i know the hole is there for the anti syphon deal) and is shoots out a crazy amount of water. I was told by a friend that my return tubing is a little to high and that is why it is making all the bubble in my tank. If it where shorter it would just hit the back of the overflow and not spray into my tank. Is there anyway I can fix this or has anyone had similar problems?

bang guy

Is it all glued already? I assume so.
If it were me I'd stop the pump, drain the overflow and take out the return. Use solvent and PVC shavings to plug up the hole and then drill another hole lower on the column. High enough so you can clean it once a week but low enough so it sprays against the inside of the overflow at or just below water level.
Whenever I mess with standpipes I always make sure I have an extra gasket (or two) just in case I mess one up.


i have the exact same setup.
i think your water level is too low. Can you raise your water level to be higher than where the water shoots out from the return pipe?
Mine does the same thing when I take out 5% of the water to do a 5% water change.


I have a perfecto 90g also with a mag 9.5 too.
Are your water levels stable?
I think the mag 9.5 is about 800gph at 4ft and the overflow is 6 or 700gph rated.
Do you have a ball valve?
I needed one on mine.


Hello Stuntmanjp,
did you ever fix this issue? If so, how? I have the exact same problem, am using a mag 9.5 as well.
I only have a ball valve on the drain. My return goes straight from the mag 9.5 to a hosed barb connected to the bulkhead.


New Member
Originally Posted by stuntmanjp
I just finished setting up my new perfecto 90 gallon with corner-flo system. Everything is working great except for one thing. Where the return is from the overflow, there is a hole on the piping were it the elbow is ( i know the hole is there for the anti syphon deal) and is shoots out a crazy amount of water. I was told by a friend that my return tubing is a little to high and that is why it is making all the bubble in my tank. If it where shorter it would just hit the back of the overflow and not spray into my tank. Is there anyway I can fix this or has anyone had similar problems?
I have the same set-up and your water level looks fine (from the pictures). The hole is a siphon break, so when the power goes out it doesn't flood out your sump. If it is not glued take out and plug it, then drill hole just under water level. If you already glued it, then take some rubber hose and use a plastic ziptie to close the hole up and then angle your rear return just at water level. This will break the siphon then the water level goes lower then the retun. It will also give you good surface aggitation. Hope this helps>


Originally Posted by dburd708
I have the same set-up and your water level looks fine (from the pictures). The hole is a siphon break, so when the power goes out it doesn't flood out your sump. If it is not glued take out and plug it, then drill hole just under water level. If you already glued it, then take some rubber hose and use a plastic ziptie to close the hole up and then angle your rear return just at water level. This will break the siphon then the water level goes lower then the retun. It will also give you good surface aggitation. Hope this helps>

thanks, i'll have to give the rubber hose/ziptie a try.
Tonight i tried to use the ball valve to lessen the intake, but i couldnt get it right, alway too much or just not enough. Then i tried to use some foam padding over the hole which worked better, but still have minor bubbles.