COTW: Ricordia


Active Member
jeeze steve, that colony is fantastic! if you ever have any that you would like to part with, you let me know!
out of ll teh corals ive seenmy seven years in this hobby, i still think that these little mushrooms have got to be the coolest thing in the current mission is to get a true blue Ricordea florida liek in steves pic above...i currently have a colony of orange yumas similar to Bang Guy's, two greens that i bought as fuzz's (thanks to the poor knowledge of the lfs!), a pink/green/blue colony that is fantastic and is getting ready to divide, and a single bluish/orangish one that cost a is my experience that these little guys do better in higher lit tanks, and benefit visibly from target feedings with meaty foods... i have also found that a lot of the florida species enjoy a good deal of water flow because they are very streamlined to the rocks that they are found on...but this is just my experience!
keep the pics coming!
good luck
WOW these are soooooooo awsome!!!!!! This is what my tank is missing. I was just wondering if clowns ever host them? Sweet pics everyone!
My LFS never has these :(


thanks sammy, your right, it was 4-5 inches to the next shelf. I was cool to watch it hang on for dear life for that long.


A lot of quality pics here. The one that stood out to me was steveweast's. His colony was just awesome.


Active Member
Wow, they have some great color! Did you get those here locally or order online? Very nice!



Originally posted by entice59
do those types of mushrooms spread or is it just one mushroom?

They multiply by splitting.
Those are some awsome colored rics :eek:

reef fool

Active Member
WOW, Mr.rodgers! Those are with out a doubt the nicest colored ricordia I have seen yet!
What do you feed them, Fruit Loops?
No, serious...They are awesome!!