Could I do this?


Active Member
I have a 29 gallon tank with a sebae clown and lawn mower blenny, 2 feather dusters, cleaner shrimp, 3 hermits, and about 30 lbs of LR. I only really have one fish swimming, LMB really shy, had him for like 1 and 1/2 weeks. I am going to probably get a chalk basset and some other fish. I was wondering if I could get a small yellow tang, about 1in maybe? I think I wil be upgrading within a year, maybe if im lucky in the fall? So could I keep the tang in the 29 untill I upgrade because I LOVE the tangs, swimming, looks, habits.


Originally Posted by bjoe23
I have a 29 gallon tank with a sebae clown and lawn mower blenny, 2 feather dusters, cleaner shrimp, 3 hermits, and about 30 lbs of LR. I only really have one fish swimming, LMB really shy, had him for like 1 and 1/2 weeks. I am going to probably get a chalk basset and some other fish. I was wondering if I could get a small yellow tang, about 1in maybe? I think I wil be upgrading within a year, maybe if im lucky in the fall? So could I keep the tang in the 29 untill I upgrade because I LOVE the tangs, swimming, looks, habits.
No, wait until you have the larger tank to get one. Size is an issue, but he will be crowded in there and can harm your other fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
No, wait until you have the larger tank to get one. Size is an issue, but he will be crowded in there and can harm your other fish.
But i was going to get a small 1inch one. How would he be crowed if he was smallest fish?


New Member
Putting a tang in a 29 gallon is just irresponsible regardless of size. Wait till you get bigger tank.


Active Member
Unlike others, I will say certain conditions would be OK.
I would only say this is OK if:
It was the only fish in the tank, which is mature with LR
This was a 36" 30 gallon and not a 29g
It truly was a 1" yellow (and I have never seen then this small)
The larger system was being set up as your typing
The fish needed to "grow out" before being placed in a tank with larger fish in order to gain some strength for a few months.
I would NOT recommend it with a stocked tank, and if you have fish in it, it is too late. I would not recommend it for a "I think I will probably get a bigger tank" situation, and definitely not just because you like the look of them. Rarely do people ACTUALLY get that larger tank they think they might get, and the RARELY realize that in the best interest of the fish they should trade it back in. Instead it tends to languish in a small tank, probably stunted (because it should out grow that sort of system easily within the year).
So in short, I am not a "no way never" person but in this case I would say, definitely, no.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Unlike others, I will say certain conditions would be OK.
I would only say this is OK if:
It was the only fish in the tank, which is mature with LR
This was a 36" 30 gallon and not a 29g
It truly was a 1" yellow (and I have never seen then this small)
The larger system was being set up as your typing
The fish needed to "grow out" before being placed in a tank with larger fish in order to gain some strength for a few months.
I would NOT recommend it with a stocked tank, and if you have fish in it, it is too late. I would not recommend it for a "I think I will probably get a bigger tank" situation, and definitely not just because you like the look of them. Rarely do people ACTUALLY get that larger tank they think they might get, and the RARELY realize that in the best interest of the fish they should trade it back in. Instead it tends to languish in a small tank, probably stunted (because it should out grow that sort of system easily within the year).
So in short, I am not a "no way never" person but in this case I would say, definitely, no.
I know i will stay in this hobby and im 95% sure I will get a larger tank. So even a small yellow tang couldnt fit in it for less than a year?


Active Member
i would say go for it.. but b4 u do.. think about tryin to catch him and then all the stress tht they yellow tang is gonna go thru while catching him and putting him in the new tank.. also i would make sure u have the tank as of when the tang gets home.. not ready to o but make sure that new tank is at least in the house..


Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
i would say go for it.. but b4 u do.. think about tryin to catch him and then all the stress tht they yellow tang is gonna go thru while catching him and putting him in the new tank.. also i would make sure u have the tank as of when the tang gets home.. not ready to o but make sure that new tank is at least in the house..
I probably wouldnt get tank until November for my birthday. If i had tank im my house I would just wait to get the tang


Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
I know i will stay in this hobby and im 95% sure I will get a larger tank. So even a small yellow tang couldnt fit in it for less than a year?

No, I would not do it. If you are so sure you will get a bigger tank - and BELIEVE me, SOOOOOO many people are sure of it and don't - but if you are sure, then it is only a few months more to wait anyway.


Originally Posted by ophiura
No, I would not do it. If you are so sure you will get a bigger tank - and BELIEVE me, SOOOOOO many people are sure of it and don't - but if you are sure, then it is only a few months more to wait anyway.
I 100% agree with Ophiura here. So many people say that they will definately get a larger tank. This is what I was trying to tell you in my earlier post. Please wait until you actually have that tank. There is no reason to rush if you realy want this fish.


Active Member
Yea, getting one in that size (1") wouldn't be a good idea. It might be sized right for a 29, but it won't grow, (trust me) and then it would be "too small" for a larger tank with larger companions.


Active Member
I also have a 29 gallon and i have turned down some great deals form my LFS which tells me a 29 gallon is perfect for a tang....but i resist and say no every time...i could have purchased a yellow tand and a sailfin for 40 bucks together...pretty good deal huh but i turned it down....they are alot of cool fish that can fit in a 29, hold off on the tangs for the sake of the fish !!!!


Active Member
Honestly, if you have to state "PLEASE READ THE WHOLE THING BEFORE YOU SAY I CANT" then you're not in a position to do what you're looking to do. I got a 1in blue hippo for my 55g for my son, knowing that I would be upgrading to a 180g within the first year. I'm currently in the process of upgrading, but getting the hippo was a bad choice anyway. The hippo got ich, ended up with HLLE as a result of the stress from hypo with 2 clowns, the HLLE didn't go away when they were all back in the 55 because she just didn't have enough room to herself, AND now she has ich again because of some coral that was attached to rocks that I stuck in the tank (ich eggs must have been stuck to the rocks). So, long story short, even IF you know that you'll ABSOLUTELY upgrade, there are still more possibilities for complications in the short term that will make the decision turn out to be the wrong one. If you're getting a bigger tank in November, just use a little patience and wait. You won't regret the wait, but you'd likely come to regret rushing to get the tang.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Brewski4u1

why not a shark!

Thanks for helping....?
And that second 1 I made so... dont use it like that on me again please

Originally Posted by m0nk

Honestly, if you have to state "PLEASE READ THE WHOLE THING BEFORE YOU SAY I CANT" then you're not in a position to do what you're looking to do. I got a 1in blue hippo for my 55g for my son, knowing that I would be upgrading to a 180g within the first year. I'm currently in the process of upgrading, but getting the hippo was a bad choice anyway. The hippo got ich, ended up with HLLE as a result of the stress from hypo with 2 clowns, the HLLE didn't go away when they were all back in the 55 because she just didn't have enough room to herself, AND now she has ich again because of some coral that was attached to rocks that I stuck in the tank (ich eggs must have been stuck to the rocks). So, long story short, even IF you know that you'll ABSOLUTELY upgrade, there are still more possibilities for complications in the short term that will make the decision turn out to be the wrong one. If you're getting a bigger tank in November, just use a little patience and wait. You won't regret the wait, but you'd likely come to regret rushing to get the tang.

Ok, thanks, I guess Ill just wait, dont want my whole tank to crash because of it. Thanks for the info people and when i said please read this before posting thing was because please would read yellow tang and 29 and say no right away.
Someone mentioned another tang you could get in a 29? are there any tangs I could get in my 29?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
Someone mentioned another tang you could get in a 29? are there any tangs I could get in my 29?
You want the truth? No, there are no tangs that are suitable for that size tank for a prolonged period of time. Think of tangs as cows, which graze continuosly. A cow can't live on the grass alone in a 10'x10' enclosure, and the tang can't be sustained on that little rockwork. Tangs are ACTIVE fish, they just need the space.
From everything I've read, tangs that small (around 1") have very poor survival rates anyway.


Active Member
Originally Posted by WangoTango
You want the truth? No, there are no tangs that are suitable for that size tank for a prolonged period of time. Think of tangs as cows, which graze continuosly. A cow can't live on the grass alone in a 10'x10' enclosure, and the tang can't be sustained on that little rockwork. Tangs are ACTIVE fish, they just need the space.
From everything I've read, tangs that small (around 1") have very poor survival rates anyway.
Two great points.
Tangs need habitat.
Small Tangs often die.

matt b

Active Member
What you could do is wait until someone tells you what you want to hear even tho you know its not the right thing. just go to your lfs im sure they will help you out.