couldn't resist the sale...will i be ok?


Active Member
30, what sepulation and everyone else here is trying to tell you is advice that will help you. good advice that they have learned from their own mistakes. Pigheadedness and stuborness is a bad trait to have in this hobby. you need to be openminded, and research what you can, and take your time to do so. forget the BIG SALE because i promise you , there will always be another big sale. even though this particular thread was a very specific question, the details of your posts have eluded to the bigger picture, which is what people are trying to help you with. you shouldnt shut them out because "thats not what the thread is about" IMO.
to answer your Qs :
Marroons are about the meanest of all the clowns and can grow to 5.5"+
they will be ok for a year or two in that size tank , but not forever.
Most people would never try an anenome if it were any lighting that is not MH, T-5, or VHO. you have PCs which are relatively weak, so that is why people are urging you against it. If you really want to try it, please only attempt a bubble tip (BTA) as they are less light needy.
CBS, as stated range in tempraments. some experieneced people will say that they get more aggressive as they get bigger. IME, they are always aggressive, but when they are bigger they have better odds at actually grabbing something. in bigger tanks quick fish can swim away, but a full grown CBS, with 3" claws, and antennae strectching 7" would and could be quite a menace in a 30g tank.
the key is to take people's advice, and not search through the posts looking for what you want to hear.
good luck.


I know that you didnt ask about the anemone but honestly when someone makes a statment that is just untrue like the watts per gallon I can not in good concience just let it go even though you didnt ask about it. There are many people that look at these threads and to be honest I dont want someone to look at it and say OK according to this post I have enough and nobody said anything different.
if you dont take the advice or recomendations thats up to you.

30-xtra high

Active Member
sepulatian- thanks for the encouragement, and you're gunna love it.
jason- i wasn't being sarcastic at all...
and sorry if i came off rude, i'm really not trying to be.


Active Member
30: curley cues are creamish colored. as far as size goes, it really depends. imo they arent the most attractive anemone but for those with little experience with anemones who "must have one" its a way to satisfy your craving until you get the right lighting. heres a pic of mine that came from my old 29 gallon with SO lighting, i put it in my 55 with VHO and it grew like crazy!! i got sick of it so now its in my refugium. heres a pic of mine (its in the front) when i first started the tank.

30-xtra high

Active Member
thank you justin, and i have no idea what SO is, can you tell me? and how many watts was it?, and how many watts on the vho's on the 55? :notsure:


Active Member
i have heard that curly cues need a LOT of light, and dont do well in the home aquarium at all. only for the advanced aquarist.


Active Member
Family: Aiptasiidae
Range: Mediterranean and Eastern Atlantic Ocean
Color Form: Amber, Yellow, Brown
Ideal Supplements: Iodine, Trace Elements
Tank Set-up: Marine: Rock
Reef Compatible: no
Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.023-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12
Water Flow: Medium
Light: High
Dominance: Aggressive
Care Level: Moderate
They are generally not considered to be reef safe, because they may sting fish and other invertebrates. This anemone does not host fish, but they are sometimes found hosting Red Snapping Shrimp or Pederson's Cleaning Shrimp.In captivity, a Curly Que Anemone may not live long in a reef environment, since it requires a high amount of turbidity which it uses for food.


Active Member
Also, anemones shouldn't be put in a new tank i.e. under a year anyways. Look into some statistics on anemone keeping in the home aquarium. Almost none survive a year even with proper lighting in a established tank. No one on here wants your tank to fail so they are offering experience you might want to listen to before you throw a ton of money down the drain.
To answer your questions a maroon would be better off in a larger tank. I have one in a 4 foot long 33 gallon and she chases everything in the tank. The royal gramma will be fine and CBS are a toss-up. Some are fine, some are mean. Mine behaves himself with small fish and a cleaner shrimp but not all will. However, he hides most of the time except at night so if you want a shrimp to watch you may be better with cleaners.

30-xtra high

Active Member
well the qurly que is out, and this might be because the shrimp's new, but he's been leaving my blenny and maroon alone, and the maroon follows the shrimp around... i have no idea why?


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
i have heard that curly cues need a LOT of light, and dont do well in the home aquarium at all. only for the advanced aquarist.
really? i've been trying to get rid of the damn thing for a while. before i put it in my fuge the tentacles were probably 10" long. it is true that they dont host anything, and from what ive seen in my tank, most things (corals) recovered from being touched by it. this is interesting. anyways, 30: SO are standard output flourescent lamps. i had two 20w tube on my 29, i have 330w of VHO on my 55, soon to be 270w of T5.

30-xtra high

Active Member
my maroon died
, my maroon swam over my finger dragonet, and it scared the dragonet, so the dragfonet stuck up it's back spines, (which are really really sharp) and the spines cut my maroon right down the side, and it died shortly after. i plan on waiting about a month or so and maybe getting a cinnamon clown, would that be ok in a 30? if not, any suggestions?, and by the way wango, i only want an anemone to host my clowns.


Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
my maroon died
, my maroon swam over my finger dragonet, and it scared the dragonet, so the dragfonet stuck up it's back spines, (which are really really sharp) and the spines cut my maroon right down the side, and it died shortly after. i plan on waiting about a month or so and maybe getting a cinnamon clown, would that be ok in a 30? if not, any suggestions?, and by the way wango, i only want an anemone to host my clowns.
Ah, I am very sorry to hear that he died. Sorry to ask, but you have a dragonet? How much rock is in there? How old is this system? I am not going to play the "I told you so" crap, but your bottom space is very limited. It is a 30 gallon, yes, but you have no where near the floor space that a 29-30 gallon long tank has. You are limited. Please understand that I do not say things to be rude, but to help hobbiests avoid mistakes :happyfish

30-xtra high

Active Member
i deserve a "told you so"... and i know you're not tryin to be rude, but yes i have a dragonet, my LFS called it " a mother blenny" but that was a load of bullcrap. i've looked it up in books, its a finger dragonet, about 5 inches, i found him starving to death, and cut up from being with a coral beauty, and he was like... 6$, so i took him in about 3 weeks ago, don't worry about him eating, i feed him with a turkey baster, he eats tetra marine granules pellets, cowheart formula, mysis shrimp, and live brine. he's also a very odd creature, he does this thing when he shakes really fast and becomes burried all except his eyes, then just sucks in sand, then shoots it out and makes tiny lil sand storms. i know he might need a new tank soon, but he would've died within 3 days if left at that store. i kept him in a 1 gallon quarentine and covered him in stress zyme, and his cuts healed. do you know any info on finger dragons?, he's not like a manderin at all, except for head shape.


Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
i deserve a "told you so"... and i know you're not tryin to be rude, but yes i have a dragonet, my LFS called it " a mother blenny" but that was a load of bullcrap. i've looked it up in books, its a finger dragonet, about 5 inches, i found him starving to death, and cut up from being with a coral beauty, and he was like... 6$, so i took him in about 3 weeks ago, don't worry about him eating, i feed him with a turkey baster, he eats tetra marine granules pellets, cowheart formula, mysis shrimp, and live brine. he's also a very odd creature, he does this thing when he shakes really fast and becomes burried all except his eyes, then just sucks in sand, then shoots it out and makes tiny lil sand storms. i know he might need a new tank soon, but he would've died within 3 days if left at that store. i kept him in a 1 gallon quarentine and covered him in stress zyme, and his cuts healed. do you know any info on finger dragons?, he's not like a manderin at all, except for head shape.
I do not know about "finger" dragonetes, but there are only a few dragonets. He is spitting and sucking in sand because he is angry that there is nothing that you are feeding him that will sustain him. He may be accepting some things that you are feeding him, but it will not last. I am truely sorry, but he is not likely to last long.

30-xtra high

Active Member
really? :notsure: , he eats like... 2-3 times a day, like 5 pellets, 1 frozen mysis cubes worth of shrimp, and 1 cowheart formula cubes worth.? well then i have no idea what to do... i only have 1 lfs that has SW, and they only feed him flakes, that the coral beauty ate 90% of, so he can't go back there... is there anything i can do? he looks healthey and fat, before his stomache was caved in... now it slightly buldges out... and yet he's starving?


Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
really? :notsure: , he eats like... 2-3 times a day, like 5 pellets, 1 frozen mysis cubes worth of shrimp, and 1 cowheart formula cubes worth.? well then i have no idea what to do... i only have 1 lfs that has SW, and they only feed him flakes, that the coral beauty ate 90% of, so he can't go back there... is there anything i can do? he looks healthey and fat, before his stomache was caved in... now it slightly buldges out... and yet he's starving?
He is not starving as far as hunger goes, but malnurished. If you had kids would you feed them potato chips and ice cream all day? Again, not trying to be rude. I have never tried to feed a dragonete prepared foods because they usually don't accept them. Being he is eating. Try some formula foods (formula 1&2) they are carnivores (if you can consider pods meat) Try to keep his immune system high with vitamines and fresh garlic. Again, I wish you the best of luck with your tank. If he is already eating then you should be able to get the proper nutrients to him.

30-xtra high

Active Member
i know you're not being rude... it's just kinda funny, cause i would feed my kids ice cream and potato chips, my wife would be the only one to make them eat real food, (i'm only 14, i don't have kids or a wife), and the mysis is dipped in garlic, and so is the cowheart formula, i figured the pellets would provide him with nutrients, but thats not enough?, and can you answer my other question, would a cinnamon be ok in a 30?


Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
i know you're not being rude... it's just kinda funny, cause i would feed my kids ice cream and potato chips, my wife would be the only one to make them eat real food, (i'm only 14, i don't have kids or a wife), and the mysis is dipped in garlic, and so is the cowheart formula, i figured the pellets would provide him with nutrients, but thats not enough?, and can you answer my other question, would a cinnamon be ok in a 30?
A cinnamon would definately be better than the maroon!! I would not buy anything yet. How is the CBS doing? BTW the last time I had one he grabbed my 3" long marine catfish in mid swim and started eating his face!!!! I am not a big fan of CBS's The one I had tried to catch everyone, and their claws reach higher than you may think


Active Member
Can you get a pic of this fish? Is it maybe a scooter blenny? Does it look like this guy? Mine eats live and frozen foods as well as pods, so if you have one of these, you may be ok.