couple of shots and new addition!


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishkiller
Nice tank, but seriously, that naso belongs in a 1000 gallon or better. Do not be surprised if/when he stops eating in about 3-4 months. I've been doing this stuff for almost 5 years from the retail, wholesale, and the general enthusiest side. I've kept tangs that size before, but it was in a 1400 gallon aquarium that was 13 feet long. I'm not bashing you, so please don't take offense to this post. I'm just telling you, from my past experience, that tang is not "fine" and he's not happy. And he probably will not survive a year. I MAY BE WRONG and I hope I am, for the fish's sake. Hell, I had a customer with a naso almost that size in a 75.... He died in that 75 before he got that size. Just my $.02

I think that's being a little extreme, don't you think? Of course I'm a newbie to saltwater so I really don't know what I'm talking about, BUT I know several people that have Naso Tangs and they don't have a 1,000 gallon tank, as a matter of fact not even half that size. So to say he needs a 1000 gallon is going over board, IMO. I have a 6' tank and I personally would not put a Naso in my tank
even though I want one. But that's just me. At least he's putting the fish in a 6' tank and not a 75 gallon like I have seen, or worse 55 gallon. With that said I do know of someone on this forum that's had a Hippo Tang in a 75 for five years, fish is doing well and has never had ich. So what's to say the Naso won't fare as well.
Again, I'm a newbie and don't know what I'm talking about.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
I think that's being a little extreme, don't you think? Of course I'm a newbie to saltwater so I really don't know what I'm talking about, BUT I know several people that have Naso Tangs and they don't have a 1,000 gallon tank, as a matter of fact not even half that size. So to say he needs a 1000 gallon is going over board, IMO. I have a 6' tank and I personally would not put a Naso in my tank
even though I want one. But that's just me. At least he's putting the fish in a 6' tank and not a 75 gallon like I have seen, or worse 55 gallon. With that said I do know of someone on this forum that's had a Hippo Tang in a 75 for five years, fish is doing well and has never had ich. So what's to say the Naso won't fare as well.
Again, I'm a newbie and don't know what I'm talking about.

I don't care about the species. It's the size of the fish. What you think the fish will shrink to fit the tank? That fish is at least 7-8 inces long. Yes, WAY too big for that tank. If it was not such a swimmer, like maybe a grouper, I could understand, but tangs like room to swim, man!


Originally Posted by fishkiller
I don't care about the species. It's the size of the fish. What you think the fish will shrink to fit the tank? That fish is at least 7-8 inces long. Yes, WAY too big for that tank. If it was not such a swimmer, like maybe a grouper, I could understand, but tangs like room to swim, man!
(sirens) the tang police is present


Nice naso tang you got there. I love the Achilles. Most people said that this Achilles tang are hard to keep. How did you kept it alive like that.


New Member
Awesome tank man! Everyone on the thread seems to be on the right track. However, I disagree somewhat w/ the size of the tank thing. Once a fish is captured from the ocean/ reef it does not matter if it is being housed in a 150g or a 1000g, it is captive compared to being on an infinite reef. The important factors are water cleanliness and diet. I can guarantee that I can control the water parameters of a 150 much better than you can a 1000. Also, achilles and powder blues are the toughest tangs to keep. They are very delicate and highly likely to get ich. Ultra important to quarantine these fish before adding to your display tank. Make sure they are eating properly and not losing weight before adding them. It also helps to soak your food in garlic and vitamins to keep their immune systems up. Good luck and nice work!


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishkiller
... but seriously, that naso belongs in a 1000 gallon or better.
This is why reading this board is NOT RESEARCH!! While following the above advise would not necessarily harm the fish, it is absolutely inaccurate. Knowledgeable hobbyists can debate whether the minimum tank size for this fish is 125, 180, 250, or whatever but the above is silly.


i have a question. y does everyone on this fourm go with the scale that "oh if you have a 6' tank you can have any tang?" to me that is a little bit of bs
. the reason i say that is because what is the huge difference 4' from 6' besides 2'. the naso looks dead sexy as i said in my last comment and so does your tank but hes a monster. i would suggest taking him out bro. get a hippo or purple tang. tang+strees = ich =disaster and you have your prized achilles. naso's should really be housed in 300 or better imo


btw i am not trying to sound like a tree hugger environmental freak i just hate to see people with such beautiful tanks and when the tang gets ich everything goes down hill. not worth it.


I'm not the tang police but i will say that you should caution people AGAINST what you are doing. An achilles is an extremely difficult fish to keep healthy and happy and VERY prone to ick. Obviously though, you have a nice tank and i'll assume you know what you are doing based on keeping the fish you do.
However, others reading this may think that they can do it as well and get a bunch of huge hard to keep tangs without knowing just how hard it is. Only VERY experienced reefers at best should try what you are doing.
I have a 180g and would love a blonde naso but i have 4 other tangs and ALOT of live rock so my 180g would be too small,imo. You dont have much lr but that tang does look HUGE in your tank. Personally, i wouldn't have risked my other fish(mainly the achilles) getting such a big naso but hopefully it works out for you!
p.s.- i hope you have a BIG skimmer! When that Naso goes #2, it must be a bioload cloud in your tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scarface
(sirens) the tang police is present

Like I said, this was advice from somebody with more experience than yourself. It was not meant to be offensive and it had zero negative tone. But, still you react like a child. I will remember not to give you any advice in the future. I'm glad you appreciate the attempt of another person to help you. In this hobby, the ignorant ones need to see their fish die in order to actually learn. And by your response, I can tell you really have no concern for the well being of your animals, just as long as your tank looks good and people tell you "NICE TANK MAN"


Originally Posted by fishkiller
Like I said, this was advice from somebody with more experience than yourself. It was not meant to be offensive and it had zero negative tone. But, still you react like a child. I will remember not to give you any advice in the future. I'm glad you appreciate the attempt of another person to help you. In this hobby, the ignorant ones need to see their fish die in order to actually learn. And by your response, I can tell you really have no concern for the well being of your animals, just as long as your tank looks good and people tell you "NICE TANK MAN"

its ok, because all the advise you give is all negative, ive read some of your postings on other threads. Im not a newbie by any means and I have some what of an idea of what im doing, ive only lost 2 fish since 2004 and not a lot of people can say that but also on the same token im not an experienced as some other people on this forum is. But I research and take me time and do whats right, so dont critize me and tell me what u think is right because u heard it from an experienced friend. Trust me, im not looking for the "nice tank man" compliment but I was just showing my new addition. In about 6 months ill look for you and show some more pics of this naso. So next time before you decide you want to get on a soap box and preach to me about being ignorant get to know a person first!


Originally Posted by SUDC
I'm not the tang police but i will say that you should caution people AGAINST what you are doing. An achilles is an extremely difficult fish to keep healthy and happy and VERY prone to ick. Obviously though, you have a nice tank and i'll assume you know what you are doing based on keeping the fish you do.
However, others reading this may think that they can do it as well and get a bunch of huge hard to keep tangs without knowing just how hard it is. Only VERY experienced reefers at best should try what you are doing.
I have a 180g and would love a blonde naso but i have 4 other tangs and ALOT of live rock so my 180g would be too small,imo. You dont have much lr but that tang does look HUGE in your tank. Personally, i wouldn't have risked my other fish(mainly the achilles) getting such a big naso but hopefully it works out for you!
p.s.- i hope you have a BIG skimmer! When that Naso goes #2, it must be a bioload cloud in your tank

Yes im running an overrated (300 gallon) skimmer with a refugium.
So far I have ran everything with a good success rate, as I am not perfect but it seems the Achilles is very happy and healthy, he eats well. As far as ich goes with, Ive had a problem with a few spots on only the hippo, and that was in the beginning and that time it was 2004. After I read up on how to do the hypo treatment, boost the immune system and enrich the food with vitamins along with a uv, I havent seen a spot since--and neither fish shows no signs of ich. But they are really healthy, ive seen fish that show signs of not making it in captivity and by no means my fish show any of those signs!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scarface
its ok, because all the advise you give is all negative, ive read some of your postings on other threads. Im not a newbie by any means and I have some what of an idea of what im doing, ive only lost 2 fish since 2004 and not a lot of people can say that but also on the same token im not an experienced as some other people on this forum is. But I research and take me time and do whats right, so dont critize me and tell me what u think is right because u heard it from an experienced friend. Trust me, im not looking for the "nice tank man" compliment but I was just showing my new addition. In about 6 months ill look for you and show some more pics of this naso. So next time before you decide you want to get on a soap box and preach to me about being ignorant get to know a person first!
1)No, all of my posts are not negative. I have many positive things to say to many people. I do not say negative things unless provoked. I offer constructive criticism when I feel it may help. You choose to view it as negative.
2)The advice I offer to people does not come from an experienced friend. As a matter of fact, I get phone calls almost every day from friends and old coworkers who need advice or help. I have not been doing this as long as some of the people on here, but I have worked for over 4 years in the saltwater aquarium industry, at many different levels. I am not bragging, but I deserve more credit than you assume.
3)Next time you are attempting to sound credible with the topic at hand, please try to type and speak like you have at least passed elementary school.


Scarface - great tank and love the tangs. They all sound and look like they are doing great.
People have different views and oppinions, even about fish... Thats life. Im sure you all have had success within the hobby, just keep doing what your doing.


Thanks MeleeRock for the kind words, it is well appreciated-and I do think your absoultely right about different views and opinions, just that some people think they are god sent and know everything.


Active Member
You guys are right. I don't know anything, and all of my tanks are miracles b/c I don't know anything. Thanks for clearing that up for me! Some day you'll learn... maybe... peace "scarface" lol


Active Member
I guess I'm in it cuz the chics dig saltwater tanks. What's a tang anywayz? Scarface- I hope this doesn't mean we can't be friends. I just don't know if I could handle that kind of rejection right now. I still love you. Please forgive me and let me move back into that special place in your heart.