couriosity struck me........


Active Member
Originally Posted by The Egregious
what did your tess eat, how old is it?
well his is unknown to me i have had him a few yrs now cant remember excactly when i purchased him.he was about 2 ft at that time now hes ranging about 3 1/2 ft or so.but there is a story behind him before i baught him and how he came to be mine.
he was purchased the first time from my lfs by a young man whom collected angel that time ed was much smaller ad the man put him with the angels,well a few months went by with any issues then one day he came home from work and all his fish were torn up and or thime he returned ed to the same lfs he purchased him and received credit for half purchase price.then restocked his tank.a few months later the same man went back to the lfs where he yet again purchased ed (for full price) and again placed ed with his newly stocked tank.a few months went by again without issue .till yet again he came home from work and found ed had killed everything in the tank of course he returns ed to the same lfs(half price credit again).a month or 2 goes by and the same man brings a friend to the store and they see ed the friend ends up purchasing ed and places him in his fish stock tank .knowing full well the issues his freind had .can we say duh?.anyways the same situation in the friends tank takes place and ed is once again returned to the same store,well a few months go by my husband and i go into the lfs and my husband fell in love with him.I said no about him we didnt have another tank for him and at that time i had already 6 or 7 tanks up and running.well as we where the eel with the store owner.who should walk in ?none other than the same young man that origanally purchased this eel.At this time we didnt think anything of it untill he wanted to buy the same eel again to put into the same tank which ed emptied of fish.well at this time the store owner looks at my husband and offers him a great deel on this eel one I couldnt refuse. with the understanding that he would never be returned to him as the guy talks to the owner about buying the eel again I agree to him price and terms.since he has been with me his menue has become much less expencive han that of the angels he became accustom to lol.i gave him a few cleaners such as damsels and a fist sized starry crab they lasted a while but then he still managed to eat them all lol. so yup i still think ed is on the top of the list for the most agressive fish lol.i wont put anything with him i dont expect him to eventually eat.
Lol, I wouldn't say Ed is anomalistic in his nature but, he def is a overly aggressive eel for his species. *crosses fingers that people don't jump on the satanic tesselata bandwagon* Not one of my eels have yet to eat a fish they're weren't intended to eat. Including a 3 foot tess 5 foot tess and my old Gymnothorax Funebris.


Active Member
I had an 8 inch Clown Trigger, and it was not aggressive to fish in the tank (well sort of but not to the point of killing) but if I put my hand in the tank, he was on the war path. That thing wanted to kill me for some reason, so it would take two or three people any time I wanted to do anything in the tank. One (me) with hands in the tank doing maintainance, and the other two are on net duty. I don't have him anymore because my tank crashed while I was away on vacation and all of my fish went to fishy heaven (lol) but I "promise" I really miss that fish (well sort of haha).


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Mike - the Denver Zoo and the Denver Aquarium used to have Queen triggers that were at least 24" from tip to tail. I would estimate their width to be close to be 3-4".
Her teeth were HUGE! It just paced in the tank and NO fish ever came within 10ft of it.
I can only assume that they got too aggressive with their tank mates as they have both been missing this year.
I would kill to own a queen trigger that big :)

Thats too bad . I would pay just to go see them .