Cowboys or Colts


Active Member
Everyone look out, Oceanists is coming to tell everyone how smart he is.
Yeah because ive been here all day rubbing it in, right?
Though had the Colts not played like crap and won, we wouldn't see him for a couple days.
The Colts played their normal game, both teams played awesome it was a defensive struggle and the cowboys just happened to come out on top.
The Cowgirls would never win in a playoff game against the Colts.
Yes, you are correct here, but only because the Colts and Cowboys arent able to meet in the playoffs......... GENIOUS


Active Member
Originally Posted by indydirk
OK, OK ........ I'll give ya the win. Good game for the Cowboys. I still stand by my earlier statement that Vanderjack chokes at the big ones, missed 2 that could've been an "in your face", but wasn't.

Couldnt agree more with that statement. HORRIBLE kicker. I hope that they cut him tomorrow. I would rather lose the money than have him keep missing important kicks.
0 for 2 in a big game like that. He should be making those kicks blind folded.
I would much rather see Suisham or how ever he spells his name.
Great game. Both teams wore their heart on their sleeves.


Originally Posted by Oceanists
Couldnt agree more with that statement. HORRIBLE kicker. I hope that they cut him tomorrow. I would rather lose the money than have him keep missing important kicks.
0 for 2 in a big game like that. He should be making those kicks blind folded.
I would much rather see Suisham or how ever he spells his name.
Great game. Both teams wore their heart on their sleeves.

Since you're not bright enough to understand, my point was that if this game were as important to the Colts as it was to Dallas, such as a playoff game, the outcome would have been different. Dallas is trying to save their season, and every game counts. This isn't the case for Indy.


Originally Posted by Whitey
Since you're not bright enough to understand, my point was that if this game were as important to the Colts as it was to Dallas, such as a playoff game, the outcome would have been different. Dallas is trying to save their season, and every game counts. This isn't the case for Indy.

Yeah, Indy didnt want to go undefeated ill bet!

You show how little you know thinking Manning would show up in the playoffs. You wanted the Boys to lose, they showed up bigtime so now your crying
If this was a playoff game, Dallas would have won even bigger as Manning would have choked even worse like he always does in the playoffs.
Hey Scubado, think Romo looks like an NFL qb now?


Originally Posted by emmitt2
Yeah, Indy didnt want to go undefeated ill bet!

You show how little you know thinking Manning would show up in the playoffs. You wanted the Boys to lose, they showed up bigtime so now your crying
If this was a playoff game, Dallas would have won even bigger as Manning would have choked even worse like he always does in the playoffs.
Hey Scubado, think Romo looks like an NFL qb now?

You're right, Romo would prove that he is a much better QB than Manning in the post season. You Cowboy fans are almost as ignorant as Denver fans.
I didn't care who won, I'm not a Colts fan. But you Cowboy fans saying your team is the most talented in the league is ridiculous.
Try not to be such a homer, and try to make some sense. Thanks.


Originally Posted by Oceanists
"game over, cowboys win, point and case, told you so!" :cheer:
Awesome game though!

I agree with you...told you so!



Isnt it time for you to cry yourself to sleep?

At this point i would take Romo over Manning in the playoffs. At least Romo MIGHT not choke like Peyton is guaranteed to!

Dallas has a great defense and the best skill position players in the game. As long as it doesnt come down to a field goal we will be a tough out.
So all you haters(whitey) cry yourself to sleep because the Boys are back!



Originally Posted by emmitt2

Isnt it time for you to cry yourself to sleep?

At this point i would take Romo over Manning in the playoffs
. At least Romo MIGHT not choke like Peyton is guaranteed to!

Dallas has a great defense and the best skill position players in the game. As long as it doesnt come down to a field goal we will be a tough out.
So all you haters(whitey) cry yourself to sleep because the Boys are back!

Nope I was wrong before, this is the now the dumbest thing I've ever read on the internet. Maybe anywhere. You've proved to me, and everyone else that you have no clue what you're talking about. Poor kid.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Whitey
Nope I was wrong before, this is the now the dumbest thing I've ever read on the internet. Maybe anywhere. You've proved to me, and everyone else that you have no clue what you're talking about. Poor kid.

Whitey you are right everybody is wrong. We are all a bunch of morons. Cowboys suck. The Colts wanted to lose. Winning is not important to them. They arent playing for home field advantage in a very tough conference, they would rather play their big games in New England or Denver.

This is basically what you are saying and quite frankly the only way to get a child to shut up is just agree with him or her. Can we get a ban for the rude comments mods? :help:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Catawaba
Dallas can't BUY a winner
hmmmmm not sure this made much sense?
But hey have you found any LR with mushrooms on it for a $1.46 shipped recently???? LOL that was a pretty ridiculous offer


Originally Posted by Whitey
Nope I was wrong before, this is the now the dumbest thing I've ever read on the internet. Maybe anywhere. You've proved to me, and everyone else that you have no clue what you're talking about. Poor kid.
LMAo, Whats peytons record in the playoffs? How many titles does he have despite being on the best team supposedly every year?
Well see, by the end of this year Romo may have 1 more ring than the great Peyton!

So funny, these bitter haters who dont have teams of their own

Everyone is seething now that they know THE BOYS ARE BACK!!!

So funny


Originally Posted by Oceanists
Whitey you are right everybody is wrong. We are all a bunch of morons. Cowboys suck. The Colts wanted to lose. Winning is not important to them. They arent playing for home field advantage in a very tough conference, they would rather play their big games in New England or Denver.

This is basically what you are saying and quite frankly the only way to get a child to shut up is just agree with him or her. Can we get a ban for the rude comments mods? :help:

You don't read well if that's what you think I'm saying. I'm 27, hardly a child, but from the way you respond I would assume you're the one that's 12 or 13 years of age.
Read slowly so you can comprehend, I said:
This game was more important to the Cowboys than it was to the Colts.
(Please find in that comment where I said the Colts wanted to lose
Cowboy fan A said the Cowboys were the most talented team in the league. If you're really an educated Dallas fan and don't find that statement to be absurd, then you're fooling yourself and you don't know much about the league.
Cowboy fan B said he would take Romo over Peyton Manning. :hilarious
Gimme a break. Tell me honestly you don't think that's a moronic thought.
I'm just giving you some educated debate buddy. Don't cry to the mods.


Originally Posted by emmitt2
LMAo, Whats peytons record in the playoffs? How many titles does he have despite being on the best team supposedly every year?
Well see, by the end of this year Romo may have 1 more ring than the great Peyton!

So funny, these bitter haters who dont have teams of their own

Everyone is seething now that they know THE BOYS ARE BACK!!!

So funny

:hilarious Okay.


New Member
Originally Posted by Whitey
Nope I was wrong before, this is the now the dumbest thing I've ever read on the internet. Maybe anywhere. You've proved to me, and everyone else that you have no clue what you're talking about. Poor kid.

Whitey you seem like you may be a homo. Am I correct? You seriously are a stubborn lousy shithead. Does your daddy beat you every night? Kind of funny someone is trying to talk about how smart people are, being from chicago. I wish I could meet your gay ass in person, but I dont hang out in any gay bars so fat chance of that happening.
this is how Whitey's stink star feels like after a night on the town


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1911_Guy
I agree with you...told you so!

All I can say is let go Jaguars tomorrow! :cheer:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Whitey
Welcome and goodbye.

Class act.

Must be sad being a worthless human being.
Yes .... I agree.
This thread is about to be locked so I think I will end it with a swimming fishy.