Cowfish owners.


Active Member
You rasie some very good points and issues. Obviously these fish need to be researched before throwing them into any tank. However on every cowfish thread I have seen at least one person, usually several, always say I have heard they can release toxins and kill your whole tank. It is usually also stated like it is not a matter of if it will kill your tank, but when it will kill your tank. So in my mind I thought it best to ask the people who have actually had cowfish what their experiences are.
You stated that the cow fish killed all the fish in your tank. Was this in your 35 gallon tank and how many fish did you have? If it was in your 35 the cow fish may have been the fish to push you over the limit on your bioload.


your fish probably beat him up or he was just stressed out by the cramped tank. 35 gal is way too small for a boxfish.


Active Member
Sea apples are a type of sea cucumber, and are one of the primary reasons people are afraid of sea cucumbers poisoning their tanks. It is a very close parallel actually. How often do you read "I hear they can die and poison a tank" whenever there is a cuke thread? Anyway, sea apples are some of the most colorful and beautiful members of this group, but possess (like species of boxfish/cowfish) a very potent toxin that can wipe most fish in a tank almost instantly if the animal is harassed and perceives a threat.
These are not the kind of animal that I would try to keep, since I don't know what a fish (or cucumber) perceives as appropriate tankmates. I just wouldn't much care for the feeling of having dodged a bullet every time there is a little altercation in the tank, or cleaning the tank, or changing a tank.
Poisonings do happen, and it should not be taken as a slim chance. IMO, it is best to create a species tank for them. I would be very wary of putting a tiny cubicus in a fully stocked community tank, when they will grow very large and not particularly suitable for a community tank. They should be moved as rarely as possible.


Active Member
I have researched the heck out of these fish, and I have yet to talk to anyone that has actually 100% say a boxfish caused a colapse. I know it is possible, And I have everything I want in my tank with it now, and everyone gets along just dandy.


You know I guess its like everything else, sometimes it happens-sometimes not. I have gotten many people, over the years, started in marine tanks and have known alot of them to get a cow fish. Some did well, some tried to eat (pick to death) fish and corals, some without a doubt poisioned a tank and killed their tankmates.
I guess what I am getting at is this hobby ( passtime, obsession) is as much a crap shoot as anything else.
I always suggest to people "RESEARCH". After that if you know all the pros and cons of any particular species and feel good about it, well then get it.
Personally I am rather fond of the cowfish, big or small. It is the most unique species there is.


New Member
Thanks for the info Ophiura. I appreciate it.
Does anyone know anything about Electric Scallops? I think they are beautiful, but I don't know anything about them. I have searched the INTERNET for info, but it is limited to say the least. Are they dangerous at all? Any info would be appreciated.


Active Member
Don't know much about them kholt, but heard they are hit and miss, maybe you should start another thread on that one.


do you think, after my quartantine tank is useless, that i could maybe put some kind of cow in the tank, if i made the water quality very good, and if he would be there by himself. i know they need like 75 gallons, but if he was alone do u think it could be done, btw, my quarantine is only 10 gallons. sry if i sound ignorant but.....


Active Member
They get to be abut 20 inches long, and they don't grow particularly slow. They also tend to eat a fair amount, meaning they produce a lot of waste. I do not think it would be a good idea.


Active Member
I agree with ophiura, all boxfish grow pretty quick, and are constantly grazing, which means they are constanly pooping also. I'm not sure about the cowfish, but my boxfish swims like there is no tommorrow, he would probably die with in a week in a 10g. I have a 90 for him right now, and would like to be able to put him in a 200g with in 4yrs. There adult size can be 18 inches(largest I've seen is 14)


New Member
Electric SCallops are beautiful but will ALWAYS seek out a dark secluded spot in your tank. Bright light (in order for YOU to see THEM, will stress them) so if you get one enjoy it fast because it will find a dark space under your substrate rock and live there.
Regarding Cowfish I posted a notice just a while ago about losing my entire tank to my little buddy (my favorite fish) when i fell down a flight of stairs and startled it when the tank was in night mode. When we got the replacement one, he did well until the night when we had our company christmas party and apparently a house full of spectators scared him and he went into shock and died.
If you want to keep a cowfish they are full of life and really, a lot of fun. Just do yourself a $$ favor and keep them in a tank by themselves or with a very low doscile fish load that wont send you over the edge if you lose them
2. Never feed them flake or floating foods. Their swim bladder is up high and taking in air during feeding can do them in
3. Dont get this fish if you have small children, loud pets, or a social life where you cant keep the tank off limits. If you have to cover the glass of your tank when you have social activities where you cannot guarantee the peacefulness of your tank.
Trust me, ive had this happen, this is TOTALLY a fish for a quiet peaceful house.
If you have any other cowfish questions email me at


New Member
i wouldnt recommend a 10 gallon tank for a cowfish the water is just too unpredictable and not enough for this fish.
and no your question wasnt ignorant at all, people dont learn anything if they dont ask.


I had a cowfish in my 55 a years back. I would never get one again. It kept getting stuck to my intake. It died within 3 days, after getting stuck all the time.


had a cowfish die in my tank. It got sucked into the power head twice :(
First time i cought it in time he was VERY dark for like two days and then he went to his natural yellow self.
I put a sponge on the intake after that incedint.
Once when i was cleanning my tank i forgot to put back the sponge on the intake and he got sucked in again but this time when i took him out he slowly died,(withing two days)
Now everyone says that they relese toxins and thats what keeps people away from these awsome fish. Mine died slowly and i figure it would have relesed its toxin, but everything was fine.
Mabye i was lucky, but when u have one of these fish and see their clumsy, and funny personality its hard not to have one.


Active Member
i had a "camel cowfish"- looked like a hovercraft with armor plating.
he was about 3 inches, and lasted quite a long time in my 29g.
an ick attack wiped everything out, including him.
i am contemplating a repeat purchase.


If a boxfish did poison your tank would you have to empty tank and start over or could you get the poison out somehow?


What would be the max flow I would want with a yellow boxfish. I know they are not very strong swimmers. I have 2 power heads at 300 g.p.h with return from overflow. I was planning on adding 1 more powerhead. Would that be o.k. or should I just keep things as they are? Oh the tank is a 92g.


Well I got my yellow cowfish yesterday, sofar everything is good he seems to love it in there. I will post some pics later. I would like to here from any boxfish owners.


i would NEVER get one cuz just even if its freaked out a little bit, it can kill all the fish you love
that happened at my lfs