Crab ???


OK, NOW this is JUST a question....Has anyone ever had an emerald crab with seahorses? I see they are a threat level 2, but I am just curious if anyone ever tried it or not.
Hi, I have had emerald crabs with tiny pipefish and with young erectus and no problem while they have enough to eat. If they run out on algae then it could be a problem. Now, I have lost a few pipes to sargassum crabs and larger shrimp.


Active Member
My emerald would attack my seahorses actually. It would grab their tails and not let go untill the point where I would need to whack it with a net to make it relase them. it was a fairly small crab too. I would definatley not recomend one.


OK, DITCH the crab thought....I didn't think they would be ok....I am kinda looking for some help with algae in my seahorse tank....pencil urchins were suggested, but they are out of stock right now....any other ideas that would be ok with horses?


Active Member
I have some hermit crabs, conchs and mexican turbo snails in my tank. theres also some type of hitchiker slug thing. they all seem to keep the algae under control for the most part
Originally Posted by meowzer
OK, DITCH the crab thought....I didn't think they would be ok....I am kinda looking for some help with algae in my seahorse tank....pencil urchins were suggested, but they are out of stock right now....any other ideas that would be ok with horses?
The Lettuce Nudibranch (Tridachia crispata) would be fine with horses. They do not eat hair algae, just bryopsis (feathery looking clumps of algae).


Active Member
I heard those were okay. How big is your tank though? they grow quickly and can starve if there isnt enough algae from what I understand. what kind of algae are looking to get rid of?


Active Member
sounds like hair algae. a smaller sea hare would be fine. they should keep a good control on the hair algae. mexican turbo snails also work well but dont eat it if it gets too long. same with the sea hare.
I also heard lawnmower blennies can also help but i dont know too much about them. Hair algae is also a sign of high phosphates. I would put a phosphate sponge of some sort in the filter also (or somethingthat does the same thing).
How long is the algae?
sorry dont know what to do about the other cyano algae = /


it's only fuzzy looking right now, my phosphates show 1...I am probable going to order a phosphate pad next time I order..I have a lawnmower, I guess he doesn't like it.


Active Member
that sounds like a good idea. I would definatly get some mexican turbo snails. if they dont seem to go after it than i would go with the sea hare.
hair algae grows pretty fast. I actually had to take every rock out of my tank and scrub it down to get rid of it. It got to be about 3 inches long and nothing works on it after that.
just make shure you dont pull it off the rock while its in the water. it will spread all around the tank.
I have a sea hare with my fuscus seahorse in a 30g. When my seahare ran out of algea I started feeding him nori. He's still fat and happy


I ordered a seahare, but thanks to fed exp they delayed the shipment and it was dead...I will probably order another next week.