Can I play???
I hate to call my 90G tank project crappy (sniff-sniff), but it sure is empty, lonely and longing for those frags! It is young (10 weeks post-cycle), but my parameters are good at this point. The only corals I have (Mushroom, Toadstool Leather, Xenia and Anthelia) are thriving, as are my inverts (numerous hermits, snails, etc.) and fish (a whopping 3 - (1) Blackmouth Bi-Color and (2) Twin-Spot Gobies).
Temp: 81.5
Salinity: 1.023
PH: 8.2
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: <10
Phosphate: <0.1
Calcium: 490
Alkalinity: 12.2
Outer-Orbit 2x150W PowerPAQ 10K HQI Metal-Halide, 2x130W SunPAQ Dual Actinics (420/460), 6x Moon Lights
Filtration/Water Movement/Etc
Reef Devil Deluxe Skimmer
Reef Devil Sump
~2100 GPH water Flow (1200 GPH on Wavemaker cycles)
ReefKeeper Controller
15 Gallon water change (RO/DI) every other week
I wouldn't want the frags if my tank/setup is incapable of giving them a fighting chance, but I sure would like the opportunity if it is!