Crazy Girlfriend need help


Active Member
HAHA, that is awesome stdreb. Think I may try to use that pitch! I want to move to Germany for half a year or so and work, maybe if I changed it to

or Madrid she'd go for it :p


Active Member
Wow, so many responses saying the same/correct viewpoint here. Worry more about your career. If you've been together that long and only see each other that infrequently, it's not worth it to try and salvage anything for a long term relationship. Chances are if you focus more on your career for now, you'll meet someone better, at a better moment in your life.
Besides, if you let her hold you back, and if you'd ever go the long haul and get married, from the sound of your relationship you'll end up divorced and hating yourself for loosing sight of your career. Take it from someone who's divorced; troubled women only cause trouble.


Active Member
Hey Bro,
Been there done that!!! I chose the girl over work and guess what? she split 1yr later because there was too much "financial pressure"
I am 45 and I have learned , after "dating " about 100 women ( no eggageration) and marring 2 of them, you will NEVER ! make a women "happy" it's either... You work sooo much, what about ME....or.....Why can't we afford the 500 series benze instead of the 300 serise. Stick with the job Bro,and if she loves you she will give you the support you need!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by m0nk
Wow, so many responses saying the same/correct viewpoint here. Worry more about your career. If you've been together that long and only see each other that infrequently, it's not worth it to try and salvage anything for a long term relationship. Chances are if you focus more on your career for now, you'll meet someone better, at a better moment in your life.
Besides, if you let her hold you back, and if you'd ever go the long haul and get married, from the sound of your relationship you'll end up divorced and hating yourself for loosing sight of your career. Take it from someone who's divorced; troubled women only cause trouble.

my husband and i got together i was 18 and he was 20, 5 years later i still support him. he went from semi-pro football player, to x-ray technician, to firefighter/emt, now in the army. i wont see him the rest of this year and will go my entire pregnancy alone, im not whining about either. his job is important and if you want to have something in life that is worth having then you need a good career. love is a lot but it isnt everything. its hard work and a pain in the @$$ at times, but if its really worth it you will both be willing to give some to the relationship as a whole. when my husband comes home next year he could tell me ok were moving to alaska, i would start packing, even better if he said hawaii then i would already be packed! point is you both have to want it to work and try to make it work in order for it to work.


Hi. Thanks everyone for your help. I really appreciate your help. She has cooled down a bit now but we will see. Anyway someone asked what I did. I work in operations supporting index based portfolio managers. I am setting myself up to become one of them which is well quite rewarding. I am currently a candidate for the CFA (chartered financial analyst) program and that is why I have to take these huge tests. I took the level 1 test saturday which was a three hour morning session and then a three hour evening session two hours apart. Literally a stack of books. If I pass I have to take the level 2 and then the level three. Then after four years of work experience I can possibly get my charter.