Crazy nice


eric b 125

man, i went to this joint earlier tonight. when i got home i felt like my 125 was an embarassment!!! i dont know how to label each picture, but i'll try.
pic 1- huge clam (~2.5' long)
pic 2- a very handsome and muscular young whipper-snapper checking out the 500 g
pic 3- these cabinets are sick for a LFS
pic 4- 6lb lobster in 500g
pic 5- big ol lion


eric b 125

to get an idea of how big this thing was, heres a few pics w/ my hand against the glass, and with the boss standing next to it.


eric b 125

yeah, its a store. next time i go i'll have to take more pics of their coral tanks. they had nice planted FW tanks with tons of mated discus'

eric b 125

i've never seen a clam that big outside of the zoo or not in the wild

eric b 125

i really dig this place because their marketing strategy. each one of their tanks, even their invert tanks, were quality displays. i saw no algae, no cyano, no ich... even their tiny baby hippo tangs were plump lil guys!!! their prices were reasonable, too! i noticed each system had inverts, which is an indication of no copper use, which after working in a LFS i realize is a huge feat. they had a few real nice red sea blonde naso's that i got crappy pics of. i've never seen them before.


I would LOVE to be able to see something like that.....I think soon I am going to try to go to the Tulsa aquarium....

eric b 125

oh, and meowzer: my hand was a good 8-12" closer to my phone to give you some perspective of the scale of that thing. i was with some of the employees and the one said that when his hand brushes up against the mantle of the clam when doing maintenance it feels as thick as a cow hide. i've never touched a cow, but i can only imagine.


Originally Posted by Eric B 125
i really want to go to the atlanta aquarium. too...but Tulsa is doable right now...LOL well after some holidays anyways
I'd love to take some of my grandchildren


Active Member
The Waikiki (I'm sure I spelled that wrong) Aquarium in Hawaii had a clam that must've been 3-4 feet long but that is really impressive to see in a store. Nice to see a store that takes pride in what they do and do it very well obviously. Thanks for sharing the pics.
Oh, I saw pic #2 but didn't see any muscular handsome guy



I just moved to Chicago, and must say that the Shedd aquarium is absolutely phoenomenal.
It was the largest indoor aquarium in the states (possibly world) before the afformentioned one in Atlanta was opened in 2005


Active Member
wow, such a neat store. I love the casework they have, gives it a gallery feel.
Just reminded me I'm going to the Aquarium Of the Pacific on Saturday in Long Beach. I haven't been since I set up my tank, looking forward to seeing it froma different perspective :)