I got this one from the LPS. There is an advanced aquarist working there now who is in charge of the "fish section". He has some source for rather "rare" specimens and sells them to people who he thinks can take care of them.
I don't have a pic, but I found a pic of what mine looks like:
I do want to try and keep this one alive alap, so any help from people who know about them, particularly feeding suggestions, would be appreciated.
I do have a reef tank. I have some marine snow [TwoLittleFishies] and some CoralHeaven that I can offer it. I haven't really needed to think much about additives until now, as the reef tank has offered enough suspended foods to the existing filter feeders, at least until now. What is a best supplement out there for filter feeders?
This guy basically feeds at night or early morning. Extending its arms to capture organics in the water column. Last night, as usual, I wiped down the diatoms that accumulate during the day on front glass. This resulted in stimulating the feeding response of my specimen. Additionally, the guy who sold him to me suggested that I stir the sand bed lightly—as this would provide suspended food in the water for the star. I found what looks like a pretty informative site,
http://www.nova.edu/ocean/messing/cr...pagelist.html, which substantiates that crinoids eat diatom as well as sandbed detritus.
Thanks all for your help offered.