critter ID


I have a 5 month old FOWLR. In addition to a few fish (no two of the same species) I have assorted hermits, one fighting conch and a bunch of turbos. Just this last week i noticed a bunch of baby snails. I am assuming these are turbos but may be something different from the live rock. Just yesterday we noticed many little white things attached to the glass and fixtures in the tank. These critters seem to be attached to the glass and not mobile at this point. They are white and look like a grain of rice attached to the glass at one end. They are smaller than a grain of rice. On the end sticking out they appear to have two small hairs sticking out. They just appeared yesterday and do not move around like bugs. Underneath one of the powerheads there are also a bunch of them suspended in a spawn sack or spiderweb type stuff. This stuff could also be described as jelly like, very light and maybe a bit fibrous. The color is a translucent white. Anybody have any idea what this is?


Thanks, that does look like what they are. Will the ones on the glass stay there and grow? It's not a problem having them is it?

bang guy

They're not a problem. If you want them they will continue to grow. If you don't want them they are easy to scrape off.