Critters for LS bed??


Hey everyone!
I'm switching to LS from CC and I was wondering what critters you would recommend for taking care of the LS. I was planning on putting a few conchs in there (btw, is queen or fighting better?), a sand sifting star, plus I have pleanty of hermits. Thanks for any suggestions or advice!


Bristle Worms? I heard those were bad, and can you buy those? Oh well My arrow crab eats all my bristle worms...


New Member
A queen conch will get pretty big(about 14"). I have a fighting conch in my 20 long. You could probably handle 2 of them in a 75. I also like the nassarius snails. They stay underneath the sand and when you feed they come up and get any leftovers so they don't pollute the tank. I have 24 of them in my 20.


Bang--are Cirratulid worms the very small hair thin ones that come in on LR/LS or must they be bought seperately? I have some thin worms like this but i am unsure of the type.


Active Member
bristleworms are great. Listen to Bang Guy on that one. There are several live sand detrivore kits you can get, although we can't mention them on this web site. I'd be happy to let you know. I've got bristleworms, microhermits, microstars, mini-brittle starfish, spagetti worms, chitons, various pods, and things I'm sure I don't know about. I strongly believe that as much didiversity as possible is what is best for any tank. As far as good sand stirring critters, I don't really recommend a sand sifting starfish as many folks will argue that they eat pods. I really like my nassarius snails, a fighting conch or two, and numerous hermit crabs to move the sand about.


Are all detrivore kits equal? Or is there one out there better than another?


Active Member
I think that there are three out there that are outstanding and each one is different; offering the type of biodiversity I think is important to a reef tank. Besides, isn't it cool to look in your tank a see all kinds of different critters at any given point during the day or night?