florida joe
Well-Known Member
But wont it move to where it's happy? and what if it moves to the bottom?
Yes and you can use that to your advantage. Clams like the most elimination and gentle flow. If you have a clam that likes a sandy bottom you make a shelf higher up in your tank add a sand bed to that shelf and try your clam there.
Here is my Derasa doing very well on the bottom and my Maxima perched on a rock doing equally as well
BTW Meowzer if I have said it once I have said it a thousand times “you do have a beautiful clam” umm I mean clams

But wont it move to where it's happy? and what if it moves to the bottom?
Yes and you can use that to your advantage. Clams like the most elimination and gentle flow. If you have a clam that likes a sandy bottom you make a shelf higher up in your tank add a sand bed to that shelf and try your clam there.
Here is my Derasa doing very well on the bottom and my Maxima perched on a rock doing equally as well
BTW Meowzer if I have said it once I have said it a thousand times “you do have a beautiful clam” umm I mean clams