Crush coral or sand bed in a reef tank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi I have a 120 gal mixed reef . My question is I have crush coral on the bottom and I want a sand bed. I currently don't have any problems with my system. Except some red cyno on the bottoms. Of the tank. My tank has been running for about 5 years or so. Please help:flame:


I've always liked the look of crushed coral, but I'm afraid to use it because of the big "no no" stigma attached to it. If it's working for you, I say, don't fix a good thing.


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with crushed coral if it's maintained. Do you ever gravel vac your substrate every three to six months when you do a water change? All it needs is a good vac every now and then and it should be fine...
Also, I've found that in tanks with crushed coral, an increase in water flow helps a lot too.


I had fine sand in my old tank (before it cracked) It looked nice, but it would blow around and land on my corals....the fish and powerheads moved it quite easily. In my new tank I have a substrate that is more coarse and stays on the bottom...I love it! I think it's called reef grade (no shells in it) In your case I would be afraid to stir up tat sand since it's been in there so long!


Yes I gravel vac it almost every week. Well the spots I can get to. The only problem I have is the red cyno on the cc. And it's in my sump. I'm going to try chemiclean Ive heard some good things about it. Well I guess I'm keeping the cc for know until I upgrade to the 180 !!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
If you do decide to replace your crushed coral with sand, gavel vac half of your aquariums substrate in your next water change and then start removing some of it cup by cup. Then, once you've gotten that much done, gravel vac the other half and remove it cup by cup, then add the new sand,... cup by cup. Don't use live sand, use dry dead sand.


I've heard nothing good about chemiclean!!!!
Red cyano in the sump is fine, and a small patch in the DT isn't worth chemical dosing. Try to change flow/decrease nutrients/etc before chemiclean, I've seen people crash their tanks with that stuff.


Well I do a water change every week. And I also have a reactor with phosban media. I just got to new vortech wave makers maybe that will help with the flow? You guys don't think the cc has anything to do with the cyno ? Thanks


So update. I took all the cc out cup by cup. What a mess. I got the dry reef grade sand and just got done with it. It looks awsome I'm glad I did it. Also my rose bubble tip split which is great. I will get pics ASAP. Thanks everyone


oi le[pwkgow[pgjk[o]wjgkkay here is the pics with the sand bed please let me know what u thttttttt


i never lost one thing in this prosess im so glad i trusted you people and went for it.... now i want some fish that keep the sand clean any thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have a Diamond Goby. He sifts the sand non stop all day and night. He's awesome! Can be tricky to feed though because your sand bed will have no food for him. I have a good system to feed him and he's got a big ol' belly, haha.