Crushed coral - Live sand


Well-Known Member

Just chiming do not rinse live sand, so if you go that route don't rinse it.
Miamishrip...I read that mixing them is a bad thing. The heavier will settle below the smaller an land up holdiong the bad stuff causing nitrate problems. So what seems to be working for now may lead to problems later. Just something for you to look into, I'm no expert.


hold up, i thought we don't wash it? spanko sayin do? flower sayin don't? I've read not to as well -- ?


Active Member
Spanko is saying, if you are purchasing dry aragonite sand then I suggest you rinse it to get all of the powder out of it before adding to the aquarium. Take it for what its worth, I'm just sayin.
Conversely I do not recommend rinsing "live sand".


spanko, mah bad.. Im confusing myself.. Right when you posted to get dry aragonite sand, I went to the LFS and bought what I thought was dry aragonite sand. Here's my confusion. I thought if it came in a bag with salt water in it, its live, if not its dry. But, my dry bag -- and it happened to be the only bag they had for the quantity i wanted -- says carib sea LIVE SAND.. jesus.. im a moron...
Anyways, ...... here goes nothin?

bang guy

If it's in a plastic bad on a shelf then it's sand with saltwater in it. If it was scooped from a friends saltwater tank or an offshore seabed a day or two ago then it's live sand.