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About a month ago I had a fire shrimp die. Then a week or two after that, an emerald crab died. Now tonight I have a skunk shrimp that is not yet dead, but is laying on his back and not looking good. He has not been eating for about a week. I do have about 6 hermit crabs that appear to be fine. They have all been in since near the beginning (about 2 1/2) months ago. I also have a porcelain crab and 3 snails which are fine.
This is a 20 gallon tank. Ammonia, and nitrite have both been zero throughout this whole time. Nitrate was about 80 when the fire shrimp died, but I have had it at 10 or less since shortly after that. My specific gravity was about 21 toward the beginning. Then I had gradually gotten it to 23 or so. Then in the last week I had taken it back down to 20 or 21. I feel this may be a problem. I used some Melafix to try to treat some infections a fish had, but it claims to be reef/invert safe. I have not tested for copper, but plan to do so tomorrow. Anybody have any ideas what could be wrong here?:help: :notsure:
This is a 20 gallon tank. Ammonia, and nitrite have both been zero throughout this whole time. Nitrate was about 80 when the fire shrimp died, but I have had it at 10 or less since shortly after that. My specific gravity was about 21 toward the beginning. Then I had gradually gotten it to 23 or so. Then in the last week I had taken it back down to 20 or 21. I feel this may be a problem. I used some Melafix to try to treat some infections a fish had, but it claims to be reef/invert safe. I have not tested for copper, but plan to do so tomorrow. Anybody have any ideas what could be wrong here?:help: :notsure: