
I'm going to be ordering a new CUC for my 200. I only have a hand ful off snails n hermits. What do you guys think would be a good CUC for 200 tank? I was wondering cause I know a lot of ppl say you don't need a huge one. Thanks:)


3 emerald crabs, 24 cerith, 24 astrea, 5 mexican turbos, 24 nassarius, 1 sally lightfoot,
I don;t even know what you have as far as livestock...or how old the tank is....BUT I like the astrea's ceriths and nassarius


Well-Known Member

I would look under reef packages and see what they say for a 200g tank and tweak the list for critters I like. For example, I don't want a coral banded shrimp because I want cleaner shrimp, so I would order the number of snails and stuff on the list but leave that out, adding a cleaner shrimp or two.