Cure LR with R/O or tap water?


Hey guys...I'm about to get 25 pounds cured LR shipped 2day to me and I am planning on curing it for another 2 weeks with 2 or 3 waterchanges during the additional curing. Should I use R/O water or doesn't it matter while curing the rock? Also my plan for curing is in a rubbermaid container with a maxi jet 900, heater, and air pump. Is that all I need? Any other suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks-Greg


New Member
I don't use tap water for anything, EVER. Also, I usually pick up my liverock from local SWF store. It is awesome rock and I don't have re-cure it, so can't help you there.


Alright...what'll happen if I use tap water just for curing? I don't have a R/O unit so I don't feel like haling home 50 separate gallon jugs of water next week. -Greg


Ok guess I'll see...hope it's not to bad. I'm use to fixing tap water screw ups tho...been using it the whole first yeer I've been in salt water and just recently switched to R/O. Thanks-Greg


Active Member
You might see some problems from the clorine. Also possible algae problems if you have silicates in the water. If you happen to have copper in the tap water that could be real bad. Nothing horrible is gonna probably happen though.

bang guy

Just mix the salt in a couple of days before you get the rocks and don't add the conditioner. Any copper in the tap will probably end up on your rocks but there shouldn't be very much.