Curing live rock


I just put live rock in my new tank the other day, just wondering if I should have the lights on? also do I need to do water changes during the process and my final question is I do not have a skimmer yet will this just anything?....Thanks


Hi there.
No lights during the curing phase, the die off can cause a nutrient burst, having lights running can cause a nice algea outbreak :)
From my understanding you should wait to change the water until after the initial ammonia spike, but since you aren't using a skimmer you may want to wait for some others to chime in with their advice before doing a water change.

bang guy

Like everything else in this hobby there are many ways to do it right.
I agree with Oregon on that school of thought.
I would do it differently though but I'm not really a mainstream thinker.
For a new setup with uncured live rock my goal would be to maximize the life from the rock that I paid so much for.
I would run the light as normal and change 25% of the water anytime the ammonia was over 0.5 ppm.
There will be an excess of nutrients in the water. I use algae to remove these nutrients. I let the algae bloom happen so that when I do the water changes the algae is sucked out along with the nutrients.
I've found that this offers a more diverse assortment of critters and even the delicate animals can survive.


Bang Guy - thanks for that info, I had not considered that method (or honestly heard of it, letting my newbieness show through now :)), but it makes perfect sense to cure the rock in that manner, as it would seem to lessen the die off from the rock, which I don't think anyone would say is a bad thing. Thanks for the followup.


Thanks for the advice! I have another question, Right now I have 130lbs sand, 60lbs base rock and 20lbs of live rock that has been in the tank for a week, this weekend I plan on adding another 40lbs of L/R, can I wait until the weekend to do my water change when I add the new live rock? Right now my ammonia is 0.25 nitrite 5.0 and nitrate 20. or will the high nitrite kill things off quickly...Thanks for the info I am still wet behind the ears when it comes to saltwater....

bang guy

Nitrite spikes are normally very quick but 5.0 is really high.
It'll probably come down before you add your new rock though.