curly-q anemone


ok so i finally found out what this on growth was that i had got on my LR. it is a curly-q anem. so my question is what do i feed it? it has only had a diet of my fish pellets so far and is relly starting to get big. is there something i should look into feeding it?


Active Member
Shot out of the dark, because not familiar with the curly Q's but silversides work well for BTA's. Could try that..... (Remember just a wild stab at it ... to try to help


yea i have no idea what feed this thing. its been in my tank for like 3 months, all its been eating is like my fish pellets and it seems to be ok but, im not 100% sure if its the best thing for it.


If you look it up on this site, it says meaty food and strong light....Do you ever put anything but pellets in your tank? You might want to get some frozen foods to add.


i have a mix of frozen flake pellets that go into the tank but i cannot ever get anything but pellets down to this with out the fish getting it.


I feed mine silversides, krill, and a liquid specifically for inverts. hes doing great and i have terrible lighting.


mine is on a flouresent light and he is doing great. i think im gonna try this liquid stuff i got today from my LFS


Active Member
A pic would be best. Curly Q anemones are sometimes referred to as LTA's. However a true curly Q is a type of glass anemone. If your lighting is good feeding is not really that important, but any raw marine foods will do. Clams, silversides, shrimp etc... minced and administered with a turkey baster is more beneficial to them then a whole chunk. HTH


Well-Known Member
minced shrimp... You can also crush up some flake food and put it in a turkey baster and blast it at em' Should stick pretty well.