currently cycling a 90g w/ 100# of LR , 80 # LS, 2 wks in -i have a pr of clowns

bang guy

Thanks for the relevant opinion Whitey.
For everyone else - If you don't have anything helpful to add then please refrain from stirring the pot.
You can catch more ants with honey than with vinegar...


Active Member
thats why i threw my non-bias-ed reply in there bang... to just let him know to slow down and read.. nothing negative said..


Originally Posted by 3bavboys
nw , i was thinking mid - april adding a sfe, and one other from the list above
perhaps a coral beauty
adding 2 is too much ?
suggestions , anyone ?

I will most likely get flamed for this but .... I always add my fish in groups of two to three when I can. I do this because what I found is when I added 1 fish because I have an agressive tank the new fish seemed to be harrassed but when multiple fish are added there is a confusion effect that comes into play.
I think you are fine adding two at one time - but that is just me


Active Member
Originally Posted by cain420
u could get a couple of blue powder tangs too.. thats what i would have with a 90 gallon.. 2 of those for sure! they are fun to watch.
If you really are looking into adding these in the future, you need to practice patience now.. I am not flaming or lecturing you about cycling with fish. But if you truely want your tank to be 100% successful, slow down and do alot of research.
2 Powder Blues in a 90 gallon tank???? This is not a good idea, and they will outgrow that tank in leaps and bounds. Its not enough room for one, unless you got him at 2"


what if i added ,
next ,
in mid april ,
a coral beauty and a zebra lion (both dwarfs) at the same time -
would that be ok - both at once , ?
would those 2 go with the pr of clowns ?


As long as your clowns are decent sized you should be fine.
Dwarf lions will still eat fish they can fit in their mouths.
Adding 2 fish at once is fine as long as your water parameters are where their supposed to be.
But after doing that don't add anything else for a while.


thx whitey,
when you say don't add for a while - that means i should wait another 6 wks - for another cycle to to complete , correct ?


Originally Posted by Sagowitz
Well, maybe someday you can grow up and learn patience.
Posters like yourself is what ruins boards like this you give one line advise with nothing to back it up maybe you should shut off that computer and read that book yourself now go back to your baby bottel little kiddy.


Originally Posted by oreo12
Posters like yourself is what ruins boards like this you give one line advise with nothing to back it up maybe you should shut off that computer and read that book yourself now go back to your baby bottel little kiddy.

LOL. You have no idea how funny this is coming from someone such as yourself.