Custom Aquarium Controls


I have been designing and building electrical contol panels for industrial applications since I was 18yrs old!! I am now 43 and am just curious if anyone see's a market or a need for custom controls for your aquariums.. I mean no more plugs and cords laying around everywhere... I can design and build any type of control panel you guys could dream up, from simple right up to .."that is awesome"....Wouldn't it be nice to have a switch,( automatic and manual), and a light to let you know it is running for everything in your aquarium..Pumps, lights, skimmers...I can even incorporate P.H. meters, calcium reactor controls....whatever you can dream up...All in one simple to mount, looks good, works better control box...I am currently building one for my 125 reef tank and I will try and post some pics of it..hopefully very soon...At any rate I was just curious if there would even be an interest out there!!! Thanks for your time and consideration


Active Member
yeah it would be cool to even have a big powerbar w/ builtin timer for each socket!!! i mean.. i have 2 power bar.. and have 2 timers that take up 5 sockets.. than 1 titanium heater that takes up 2 socket... im like wtf.....


ALright ...when I get mine completed...hopefully by next weekend....and I can post pictures for everyone and see if it is something someone may be unterested in...Everything will be hooked int terminal strips..with no plugs whatsoever!!!! :jumping: :cheer:


Active Member
Hey Benter,
Are you using relay/timer control or PLC or what?
I've always thought PLC control would be nice. Talking to it from the PC would rock. Also very pricey.


it would not be too much. You can get a simple 120vac plc that can control about 8 output devices with programmable timers for under $100.00 from automation direct. The part where you will get taken is the programming of the device if you can not do it yourself and not to forget the wiring. Also, most PLC manufaturers sell there software for additional costs.
I just built a nice wave system that controls 4 power heads for about 50.00 using a few switches, multi adjustable timer relay, and an enclosure.. simple and works great. I really like your idea though, maybe you can become rich :joy: !!!!! let me know if you need help! ha ha!


Active Member
I've seen those PLCs on that site. They have proprietary programming software, but I think it runs on your PC? One would appreciate a more user friendly HMI software package to actually run/monitor it. Maybe a touch screen (also found on that site). NOW we're talking!!
Hey, if you're gonna dream, then dream BIG.


Active Member
P.S. If I am not mistaken, the programming CABLE is an additional cost. Still, you are on to something . . . .


hey farm boy..I would think it would be a little easier to just use 8 pin relays and 11 pin relays ..maybe an on delay relay or two for just some simple controls..PLC's for the majority of people would be a little too complicated..Relays could be simply unplugged and plug a new one in, when you had a bad one.. Don't get me wrong you could make it as complicated as you want it..just thinking of the majority of people. It is nice to see that there is a little interest at least !!!!!


Active Member
Too Right!
I'm usually guilty of making things more complex than needed.
I like plug in relays. Easy to use and maintain.
Keep it simple stupid. (K.I.S.S.) That's what they tell ME!! Ha Ha!
I would like to see your finished project for the 125. Keep us posted.


ok.......i do have the cable, software, and know how for the automation direct "direct Logic" series DL205, and DL105. As far as the PLC, well i haven't ran into a used one laying around the shop yet if you know what i mean. I do however have a few 11 pin IDEC relays that are adjustable from .5 seconds to 180 hours with a nice "flicker" option that when you wire the "start" option hot, it will keep resetting itself. That is what i used for my wavemaker control. simple = cost are about 30.00
her eis the part number if anyone cares.
IDEC GT3A - 4AF20 (120VAC coil)


Active Member
well.... the big thing behide this thig is that it has to work for most people's aplication of devises.. i mean.. who will cut off as plug to wire it up to a strip?? so i think a programable outlet socket system will be best.... not to mention that this unit need to be realistic in price and easy to use....i mean.. a timer cost me about $10.. and the power strip only cost $5 for 2.... each strip has 6 outletss.. but in my case.. each strip can only fit 3 timers... so the total unit will only cost me.. about $65... for a 6 socket timer unit.. thas only if i use 6.. which i dont.. i only use 2.. so what will your product be compared???


Active Member
Well Thang,
This is the R & D group. You need to get with the Marketing folks!!
Just kidding. I think Benter is on to something.
"If you build it, they will come."


Thanks for the support farmboy.. and Thang, guess it just depends on how much convenience and less of a clutter you would like..I will be running 4 different light sets, 3 different pumps , 3 fans, and 1 heater at the present..This will all be done in a 12 x 16 fiberglass enclosure, with circuit breakers and hand off automatic operation switches for each of the previously mentioned for cutting off a plug, that is a one time deal..and having to reach behind or around or under your tank to unplug it..after you figure out which plug is the one you need..I think the convenience of turning off a switch to service your equipment would be well worth it.. pictures soon!!!


Check out newark electronices. They have recepticals that you can insert into an enclosure by punchine a hole. you can make a power strip to control each socket as needed. I've been looking at this for a while, thanks for refreshing my memory. Oh yeah, the grounded sockets are like .80c each.
What ya think??? maybe this can work.


Active Member
ohhh no... dont get me wronge!!! i really like this idea.. i mean all this stuff is cool.. i mean heck.. if it makes my life easier .. heck.. the netter.. justthat if you are looking to sell this stuff.. it has to meet at least the pre-posted demands.. ... to me.. all the cutting and wireding and all this and that.. it's not to big of a thing to me.. i done it all.... ( gots 2 years of H/VAC schooling.. EPA cerified in type 3 universal for freon.. did construction work for 3 years.. and 1 1/2 years in h/vac.. so....)