Custom Overflow Flow Rate?


I want to get 500 gph out of the following overflow design. Attached is the profile view of the overflow design that i want to make. Its not to scale, but it has all of the correct dimensions. Can someone tell me how wide I would need to make it go get 500 gph? C'mon all you Civ E's out there.

BTW, everything is in inches, not feet.:D


Active Member
Are you making a DIY CPR style?? If so the 600gph CPR's are 8" wide with a 1" bulkhead.
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I believe that it is called CPR, by 1 inch bulhead, do you mean that the fitting in the bottom of the prefilter is 1 inch? or that the part where the water overflows is 1 inch?


Active Member
Here's what I mean... it would seem to me a U-Tube overflow would be a much easier DIY project.


Yet the best things in life are never easy.:D
And believe it or not, I can make a CPR style for less than a U tube style.


I made one like this for my nano. It was not difficult but the flow rate is less than I expected. You may want to increase the size of the gap that allows the water to flow over the side of the tank. Also, how wide is it to be?


I am trying to determine how wide I want it to be. I have plenty of width on the side of the tank that is against the wall. I just have very little space in between the wall and the Back of the tank. Thats why there are only four inches hanging out of the back of the tank. I think also it would be a good idea to up the flow expectations from 500 to 600 gallons per hour. Oh, I was planning on going with a 1.5 inch bulkhead on the prefilter side too.

bang guy

I'm no engineer so I really can't comment. I was just wondering if you were done with the design or did you still want some feedback.


I haven't bought the materials yet. I am definetly looking for feedback. I know that it won't ne the easiest way to go, but as I said before, I like a challenge.

bang guy

I would make the 6" panel on the far left a 7.25".
In the case of a clog or accidental restriction (snails!!!) in the output you don't want all of the water draining out the back of the overflow. I think it would be better if the first flood location were over the top of the tank to take advantage of every cups worth of capacity in your system.
If your sump happens to be directly beneath your overflow then I take that back because most of the spill could pour directly into the sump.
and.... if you made the dimentions feet instead of inches that you could easily get 30,000+ gallons per hour through it. :D