Cut n Run?


McBush has the primary locked up, so he needs to focus on November. Now, he HAS a plan to Cut n Run! At least he didn't say "Read my lips" before he flip flopped.....


His plan is to embolden our enemies by giving them the date of our defeat. He is setting a timetable for defeat.
Now that he has the nomination locked up, he can flip flop on that hundred year endless war stand.
I googled the word "pandering" and McBushs website came up.
Good thing the Dems just won more house seats. That seat in Mississippi in a strong Repug district is an indicator of things to come.


Active Member
Are you talking bout his ad that talks about what the country will look like in 2013, where he says the Iraq war over?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
McBush has the primary locked up, so he needs to focus on November. Now, he HAS a plan to Cut n Run! At least he didn't say "Read my lips" before he flip flopped.....

Originally Posted by Suzy

His plan is to embolden our enemies by giving them the date of our defeat. He is setting a timetable for defeat.
Now that he has the nomination locked up, he can flip flop on that hundred year endless war stand.
I googled the word "pandering" and McBushs website came up.
Good thing the Dems just won more house seats. That seat in Mississippi in a strong Repug district is an indicator of things to come.

cut n run ? bah, thats the old democrat idea. remember pelosi wanted to basically give the date and time that we would pull out, probably the locations as well.


Active Member
I would like to see some sort of plan, and I've not seen any candidate propose a plan. a plan is not cutting and running, it's giving people some sort of idea of what to expect in the future. what were the objectives for going into Iraq and have those objectives been met or not?
I don't think that "2013" ad is any kind of "plan". and while I've said ad nauseum that I'm not voting for him, I think calling him "McBush" over and over again shows your level of maturity and how little you've looked into his record over, say, the past decade. if not for his stance on illegal immigration, I would have no problem whatsoever voting for McCain.


Active Member
Suzy, as Mods we're keeping the "bomb throwing" on a shorter leash. When you start a thread, either post something of significance or don't bother.
If you wish to discuss a candidate's policies post them and what you agree with or disagree with. Don't just randomly pop onto the forums and try to stir up trouble with random one-liners.


Active Member
Yawn, you are going to have to come up with a better argument than that, parrotting drivel like this is just insulting.

el guapo

Active Member
So If the republicans come up with an exit stradagy you pick it apart and call it cut and run ? But if they stick with a stradagy of having a military presance they are ocuppying the country and wasting your taxes to help others ? Sounds like your just not happy not matter what they suggest .


OK, JM, let me be a little clearer. John McCain had a press conference recently, aired on many different stations, where he stated, if elected, he can end our war in Iraq by 2013. He also declared he would find OBL and wipe out AQ. Last year, he stated we would be in Iraq for a hundred years.
Also, the Republican party lost 3 seats in the House of Representatives.
I disagree that Mc Same is able to do something any other president can't. I agree that losing 3 seats is an indicator that the Republican brand is something McBush should continue to try to distance himself from.
I loved his speech where he is trying to be a tree hugger. That is classic!

el guapo

Active Member
Journey she is comparing his latest speach where he has a plan to end the conflict in Iraq to his previous interview where he said if we had to stay there a 100 years to help stabaliz the region that he would support that action . Basicaly shes trying to make a cut and dry statment that he is a flip floper . When more than likely just as every other country we have helped stabelize we will leave some sort of force there . Thus making both statments McCain has made to be true . But democrats are going to call it flip flopping .

salty blues

Active Member
If we pull up stakes too early in Iraq, then Iran will move in to Iraq and dominate that country. Any sane person must realize this. This action would have a devastsating effect in that region.
We think oil is high now. If Iran gains dominance in the Middle East, the political instability will shoot gas to $7.oo & $8.oo in the U.S.
Iran is already supplying insurgents in Iraq with bombmaking materials and other support that is killing American G.I.'s.
We need to stay the course in Iraq. Sen. McCain is the only candidate who is up to the job.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Suzy
OK, JM, let me be a little clearer. John McCain had a press conference recently, aired on many different stations, where he stated, if elected, he can end our war in Iraq by 2013. .....
Please quote the speech. The only one I can find recently that speaks of this topic was his speech in Columbus, Ohio:
"By January 2013, America has welcomed home most of the servicemen and women who have sacrificed terribly so that America might be secure in her freedom. The Iraq War has been won. Iraq is a functioning democracy
, although still suffering from the lingering effects of decades of tyranny and centuries of sectarian tension. Violence still occurs, but it is spasmodic and much reduced. Civil war has been prevented; militias disbanded; the Iraqi Security Force is professional and competent; al Qaeda in Iraq
has been defeated; and the Government of Iraq is capable of imposing its authority in every province of Iraq and defending the integrity of its borders
. The United States maintains a military presence there, but a much smaller one, and it does not play a direct combat role....
Now, surely Suzi, that is not the speech you are referring too. That is about as far away from Obama and the "cut and run" crowd as it could possibly be.
Surely your hatred hasn't blinded you so badly that you can't see the difference in the two viewpoints. Surely you understand how "cutting and running" eliminates any possibility of victory.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
So McCain talking about his vision of the future is now a cut and run policy

I like to try to anticipate the next argument the Obama supporters around here are going to throw out; I must admit, however, this one caught me like a Battleship at Pearl Harbor (speaking of, if only we had sat down with the Japanese on December 8th I'm sure that whole misunderstanding
could have been resolved.)
Seriously, victory now equates to cutting and running?
I'm curious Suzy, since you are so anti-abortion, how you feel about the National Abortion Rights Action League endorsing Obama?


Thanks for editing out the hatred comment. Really, I live in the most conservative state in the union and most of my friends are conservatives. Although I do believe there is a special place in hell for those who take a families tragedy and use it for political talking points. When you insinuated I was lying about our son, I did hate you, but I don't hate the Republicans I know personally. I might feel a bit of hatred toward those that treat the woman whose husband is in the Army badly, grilling her about using the wrong word (post or base, really?) or because they misunderstood her words. But, these are faceless,nameless entities on a fish forum. Hating them is really not worth the time, righto?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Now, surely Suzi, that is not the speech you are referring too. That is about as far away from Obama and the "cut and run" crowd as it could possibly be.
Surely your hatred hasn't blinded you so badly that you can't see the difference in the two viewpoints. Surely you understand how "cutting and running" eliminates any possibility of victory.

Darn, I thought you edited that out. I just didn't go back far enough.
Oh, well.
Surely your hatred hasn't blinded you so badly that you can't see that all the candidates will leave Iraq. Surely you can understand that we cannot keep up this level of engagement long term and still be able to protect our interests elsewhere. Surely you can see that calling it "CutnRun" when one candidate says it, but "Victory" when another candidate says it is complete hypocrisy.
But, heck, maybe McCain will get elected (and Ozzy Osbourne will tour with Barry Manilow). He will catch OBL, eliminate AQ and end all wars! Yahoo!!!! Maybe America will believe the lies like they did last time.
Naw, it's gonna be Obama as POTUS, Pelosi as Speaker and Clinton as Leader of the Senate, setting the agenda. We will get to be proud of country again. World leaders again!


Originally Posted by salty blues
If we pull up stakes too early in Iraq, then Iran will move in to Iraq and dominate that country. Any sane person must realize this. This action would have a devastsating effect in that region.
We think oil is high now. If Iran gains dominance in the Middle East, the political instability will shoot gas to $7.oo & $8.oo in the U.S.
Iran is already supplying insurgents in Iraq with bombmaking materials and other support that is killing American G.I.'s.
We need to stay the course in Iraq. Sen. McCain is the only candidate who is up to the job.
One of our hospitalists is from Iran. A gorgeous brilliant woman I love discussing world affairs with. We actually have many MDs from that region. She was telling us one day about how her generation was moving away from the religious fanatic leaders, how they had found the internet and were seeing the outside world, how life was away from the religious fanatics who took over after they got rid of the Shaw. She said her generation was able to see past the hurts of the past her parents were still bitter about. But, this war set that back a generation, it seems. When we invaded Iraq, the moolas were able to say "See, America hates palestinians. You need us to protect you from them".
Using the politics of fear is great for getting a party elected, but is it best for us Americans? This administration, alone or through it's proxy Talk Radio has tried to make us think all Iranians are evil terrible people, when in reality, they love their children just like we do. They eat, breathe, love, laugh just like us. They want peace, just like we do. But, they do not trust us, and they fear us. Our history with them goes back decades. I feel that when we change our POTUS, we can begin to heal the damage our foreign policy blunders have done.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Darn, I thought you edited that out. I just didn't go back far enough.
Oh, well.
Surely your hatred hasn't blinded you so badly that you can't see that all the candidates will leave Iraq. Surely you can understand that we cannot keep up this level of engagement long term and still be able to protect our interests elsewhere. Surely you can see that calling it "CutnRun" when one candidate says it, but "Victory" when another candidate says it is complete hypocrisy.
But, heck, maybe McCain will get elected (and Ozzy Osbourne will tour with Barry Manilow). He will catch OBL, eliminate AQ and end all wars! Yahoo!!!! Maybe America will believe the lies like they did last time.
Naw, it's gonna be Obama as POTUS, Pelosi as Speaker and Clinton as Leader of the Senate, setting the agenda. We will get to be proud of country again. World leaders again!
If you really think Clinton has any shot of being selected as Senate leader you are truely delusional

That ship has long since sailed. And bad as Harry Reid has done they aren't going to throw him out but if he decided to step aside there are too many others in line ahead of Clinton to begin with. She will be blammed for Obama's loss in November.