cyano battle still :-(


Active Member
what "nutrients" (could be contributing to the cyano problem) are you talking about ... I think I have this cyano (recent development) and I have recently starting adding these two supplements: Liquid Life coralplankton and Reef Vital DNA. could they be "nutrients" for the cyano???? think any correlation??


Active Member

Originally posted by skilos1
Not true, you do not have to have plant life in the main tank to have a successful reef. I can post a hundred successful THRIVING reef tanks on here that do not have plant life in the main tank. Some without even refugiums. Bob, you bring the criticism on yourself by spewing your nonsense. Sure plant life can get rid of nutrients but it's not a cure all.

The see the thing is that bob neglects to mention the fact that he considers coralline a plant and a therefore a method of nutrient export. :rolleyes:


Active Member
Good News :jumping: I think I have won the cyano battle
But I should not party to soon. Yes I did revert to the medication but today I did a water change using RO water to replace with and so far no ugly stuff. Usually it would appear right away. Keeping fingers crossed though.
Proper lights, proper water I don't want anymore cyano every again :yes:

bang guy


Originally posted by YellowTail
think any correlation??

I'd guess a correlation factor of somewhere around 0.9999 +/- 0.0001.