I'll give you my 2 cents on cyno. I have just hopefully beat the beast after a 2 month battle. Like you I was too busy to maintain the tank the way I would have liked to. Ironically cyno appeared with a vengence after I decided to bring it back. Anyway, I had it real bad. Real Bad! Talking thick mat with streamers. I was advised to use chem clean and did so, following the directions to a T, even maybe adding some extra, for extra time and adding more O2 with airstones as recommended.
It broke it up, seperated it from the rock and got rid of some of it. As many have said treat the source - high nitrates, phosphates, feeding, lighting etc. I did all of that. Got the nitrates lower than they have ever been, below 2.5, this after doing at least 50 gallon water changes weekly for two months (I have a 180 w/ a 55 sump). With each water change I would suck out the cyno with a siphon and believe it or not a turkey baster to suck it off the rock. I would even suck out the cyno a couple of times between water changes. With what I would say was very good water quality the cyno would still come back within a day or two. This got very old.
Here's what got rid of it.
With decent water quality, I did a big water change and sucked out every bit of the cyno that I could find. I then immediatly treated with the chem clean, and it hasn't come back. So that would be my advice. Get the water quality up to par with water changes and suck out all the cyno and treat with chem clean. Also put in a poly pad and chem pure charcoal.
In my experience, once you have the cyno bacteria at least to the level that I had it, it will not go away with simply improving water quality. You have to kill the bacteria. And I agree with a previous poster that said that the low flow theory was bunk. I had it where I had power heads aimed. I never did the lights out, so that might help, but I like to look at the tank.