

Hey all, I'm getting little patches of red cyano bacteria in my 29 gal. seahorse tank... I know it's because I have been leaving the lights on for a little too long... but even having remedied that problem (and also put in a phosphate remover), are there other steps I can take, including the possibility of introducing something that eats it?

bang guy

A little more water current
More frequent water changes
Larger water changes
Some type of nutrient export like an algal scrubber
Siphoning out any Cyano you see will help as well.


I was told by my LFS to use chemi-clean, but didn't want to use any chemicals so instead I left my lights off for three days and it's completely gone now. The best thing I found in reference to this problem was
I'm not sure about how lighting effects seahorses though...

Good luck with it.. and thanks to everyone for all the great feedback on that post by Justin, it helped me out tremendously.