Cycle Phase


New Member
:thinking: Hi all: I am trying to get my 55 gal 48' long tank to cycle. It has cora life lights that came with the tank (used). Hang on emperor 400.
About 10 lbs lr from tank over a year up and running, 5 lbs rock two weeks in new tank from lfs. Will get more lr as I can I have a 10 gal tank set up that has already cycled, has brown detrus I think, to cure new lr.
40 lbs ls and 30 lbs dry sand.
55 gal tank water readings
Am- spiked way up 1.5 coming down now to 1.
using mastertest kit from API
whew all that said are these readings normal for 2 weeks? and on schedule?
Thanks in advance for any input. P>S no flaming for spelling.


New Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
If it were me I'd do a very large water change to lower Ammonia.
Ok I will do that in the morning thanks for help.


dnt do a water change till your cycle completes. wait till all your levels get down to 0 after all that then u can do a water change. doing a water change before wont really do anything.


Originally Posted by xcdennisx
dnt do a water change till your cycle completes. wait till all your levels get down to 0 after all that then u can do a water change. doing a water change before wont really do anything.
I don't want to speak for Bang Guy, but I believe he's advocating a water change to lower the ammonia level. If it's too high (Such as over 1.0) it can actually kill off the beneficial bacteria.
I've read often that a water change during the cycle will prolong it, but wouldn't it be prolonged if the ammonia gets too high and is indeed killing the beneficial bacteria?


New Member
Okay, came home from work today and did a 8 gal water change. Will ck readings after work Thursday. Hope this was a large enough water change?
If readings are still too high should I do another 8 Gals or larger?
Also readings before water change today were
am- 1 +
trites .5
trates still 20 So that means the trites are converting amonia ?
salinity 1.24
I am so thankful that I found this site you guys rock. :cheer: