Cycle question... And a couple others


Well-Known Member
Thx Geridoc... That's very helpful. Per bubblegurl post did you cycle QT? Do you alway have it going or only fire it up when you plan to buy new critters? Is pvc for hiding? No substrate?
Bubblegurl, I'm happy to post pics but not sure how on this site. Can I put them in this thread? If so, any idea how from an iPad? Or do I have to go on pc to somehow pullem in? As for DT, all fish still doing really well! Knocking on wood! I'm really happy!:laughing:
You do not have to cycle - the filter material that I store in the DT sump is loaded with bacteria, and produces an instant cycle. I do keep tue qt running all of the time, but I don't know why, I just do. The PVC is for hiding, and unless you are isolating something that needs sand (wrasse or a pearly jaw for example), no substrate should bu used. Sand will tend to remove medication from the water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc http:///t/392777/cycle-question-and-a-couple-others/20#post_3490673
You do not have to cycle - the filter material that I store in the DT sump is loaded with bacteria, and produces an instant cycle. I do keep tue qt running all of the time, but I don't know why, I just do. The PVC is for hiding, and unless you are isolating something that needs sand (wrasse or a pearly jaw for example), no substrate should bu used. Sand will tend to remove medication from the water.
okay, so what your saying is Doc is that if you have a "bacteria filled" media pad, you do not have to do an initial cycle of a newly started tank?
Other than that, everything else you said was for the most part correct
The Pealy Jaw should have a hididng place indeed. With that said, a medium sized PVC pipe with a curved end will work beautifully.
I persnally do keep LIVE ROCK in my fish QT because I do want it to stay live. If by chance I have to treat for an illness I remove it before hand.


Looks good! It does look like you've got some algae growing so that a good thing! Do you have a clean up crew in there?


Hi. I added 10 more pounds of LR today so now I'm at about 50 lbs total. As for cleanup crew, I don't think I have enough but am reluctant to add anything if they add to the bio load. I've got a pretty busy goby that is always picking through the surfaces and sand and sifting it through his gills and back out.... I've got two small hermit crabs and 5 pretty nice size snails. Can you suggest what else I can/should add and when? As mentioned in the thread above, my cycle is of concern. I've got 7 fish in the tank now and everything is looking good with exception of ph which is now reading low for the first time. I added a dose of PH+ based on LFS suggestion today. I got delayed doing my first water change because I ripped out my RODI setup and redid it. My container is now full and I've got a small power head running and based on something I read, was going to leave the ph running for 24 hrs and then add salt and let that mix for 24 hrs. That means I won't be ready to do the WC for about 2 days. With everything looking good other than PH which should be good soon, am I in urgent need to do WC now or can I afford to wait a couple days like I plan? Thx!:laughing:


If your ro container is filled, add your salt and let it mix. I've done water changes after mixing the salt a few hours, but usually let it mix 24 hrs. Not sure why you would need a ph to mix plain or water...I've started mixing my water cold, meaning I don't heat the water until a few hours after adding the salt, but it depends on how fast you need the water.
For the cuc, keep an eye on what your tank is doing,if your current cuc can keep up, great, if not you could add more. I bought Mexican turbos to deal with red turf algae, they did a great job and are now HUGE! I don't have a large cuc in my 55 but my 180 can use more to deal with the new tank stuff.
Glad you got more lr, how much is lr vs base rock? Your photos look great, nice set up. Just be ready for everything to get covered in coralline algae! We had those plastic ships in our 55 when it was first set up, they ended up covered. I removed it as they had no benefit and I thought looked cheesy.
Time to sit back and watch the tank evolve for a while!!


Here is what I read verbatim on letting the power head run prior to adding the salt.
"It’s a good practice to aerate RO water for 12-24 hours before mixing in the salt. This will help drive off excess CO2 so you get a proper pH and buffering capacity in your mixed seawater." I threw the salt in tonight.
As for LR $, around here it ranges from $9.99 to $14.99 depending on where it is from. Today I bought the $9.99 stuff and when you buy more than 10 lbs, you get it for $8.99. I think the dry is about $5 lb. As for the algae, I went through a big diatom bloom already and backed off my lighting for a few days and it's almost all gone.
My test kit tests for PH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. I also test salinity. Is there anything else I should be testing for in FOLR tank? i.e. phosphate, alkalinity etc or is this all for coral/ reef? Thanks!


That's an interesting read. I guess in a way I do the same thing and didn't realize it. I leave my pump running in my brute can so I can fast fill my jugs for top offs. I then pump my ro water to the other can to mix. Learn something new everyday...:laughing:
Is there a locall reef club or forum in your area? There's lots of reefers here that sell all things salty including live rock at a couple dollars a pound rather than retail prices. See if you can find something in your area, ive bought fish, equipment, and corals from others, much cheaper and It's also a great way to meet others and lord knows how much reefers like to talk about their
Phosphate tests yes but I think everything else is reef based.


Hi again. I went looking for a local reef club and actually found one covering a large area around me. Thanks for that idea. I'll look into it further. Interesting sequence of events on my water quality. Yesterday ammonia test turned up nothing but I brought a sample to a LFS since PH was low. He tested for ammonia too and said ammonia was fine. Today I saw a low level of ammonia and ran to LFS (a different FS) and was about to buy the additive for the water (similar to amquel but made by API) and ran into the owner on the way to the register. Knowing my tank is running about a month he suggested not using the additive and said the sign of ammonia was good at this point and just suggested a 10% water change. He said the additive would mask readings and since it's at the stage it's in, just do the WC. So that said, that's what I'll be doing tonight. I did add something to bring to PH up a bit so I'll be watching levels very closely the next fewj days. Thanks again.:hi: