Cycle Question


Ok, 100G w/wet/dry from previous established freshwater system.
set up a week ago, 40# live sand added last Sunday. 75# LR added on Thursday. 45# pre-cured fiji, 30# uncured tonga
Ph - Aprox 8
Ammonia - between .25 & .5
Nitrite - 10 or higher ( bright red, kind off the color chart)
Nitrate - 20
I'm using a FasTest kit.
Question - does the ammonia spike generally go by that quickly or is is possible since the wet/dry was used for a freshwater system there was signifigant bactering on the balls that caused the ammonia to disipate so quickly? Is it possible I'll see another ammonia spike? When I tested the ammonia 2 days ago, it was blue, off the chart, now its come down. Just seems kinda fast to me.

bang guy

The rock & live sand is taking care of the Ammonia. I'd suggest feeding the tank a little bit of food to feed the bacteria and let the tank mature for a bit.



Originally posted by Bang Guy
The rock & live sand is taking care of the Ammonia. I'd suggest feeding the tank a little bit of food to feed the bacteria and let the tank mature for a bit.

I was expecting the ammonia spike to last a bit longer from die off on the live rock. Feed the tank or add a shrimp?

bang guy

Both will work, so will adding nothing.
In my opinion feeding the tank a pinch of food every day will build bacteria and increase the critter populations better.


Thanks, Thats what i'll do. So in your opinion, this is normal, and everything is progressing as it should?

bang guy

Yep. Adding the cured live rock speeds the cycle a lot. It doesn't mature the tank any faster though.


I'm heading to my LFS to get food to feed my tank, and realized I have no idea what to get. I obiviously want to get something I can use when I actually get fish. Any suggestions?


I just picked up some Prime Reef. Seems to be what a lot of people feed their fish. That comes in flake form. Others feed their fish Cyclop-Eeze, but that comes in freeze dried and wafer form which doesn't really do what you would need. I say go with the Prime Reef if you can find it local.