mark edwards
I can't get to lfs till Saturday, so for now shall I just add a small piece of prawn at a time
I absolutely love my Reef Octopus XP2000i. It's really quite quiet, and it skims a ton of junk. The place I bought it from doesn't carry this particular model (2000i) any more, and are now promoting Skimz. They seem to think they're really good, as they only sell products that they would use themselves. They look like they're sturdy, they get good reviews, and they're cheaper than what I have.Someone here MUST be happy with their skimmer though...
It could be diatoms, which often shows up after a tank has cycled. This is normal, and it usually goes away after a few days after it consumes it's food source. Do a 20% water change, keep the lighting period short, and you should be okay. "Ghost feeding" the tank, a small amount daily like you are feeding a single fish, will help build the beneficial bacteria and prep the tank for it's first addition of fish.Brown algae all over the sand is this normal??