Hi, I have a 140 that I am now cycling. I used RO/DI water and added about 60lbs of live rock and 4 inches of sand (half live) The tank has been running for about a 1 1/2 months. The temp has been on the low side 65-70. I really wasn't thinking of the tank. I have been concentrating on my 92 corner. I figured the tank was on hold (not cycling) just circulating to keep the water moving. Anyway, I added about 15 small fish from a LFS. I am not sure what they are, they look like guppies. I told them my situation and they said my tank should be almost cycled? They told me it would be best to use these fish to cycle rather then using a piece of shrimp. I knew my tank cant be cycled, but decided to take the fish and add them anyway to cycle the tank. It has been about 2 weeks now and all my levels are good? No cycle? Could the tank be cycled?
Thank you all,
Thank you all,