cycling question??


New Member
hello i have just started my first salt water aquarium i am currently cycling with no live sand and no live rock. i am using using some cocktail shrimp to intriduce amonia to my tank to start my cycle so im doing a fish less cycle im on about day 5 or 6 rite now. but my question is should i get a peice of live rock to help seed the rest of the tank with good bacteria i know the bacteria will develop over probally the next 4 to 6 weeks any ways but will the tank develop things like coraline algae's with out being introduced by a peice of live rock just not sure on this??


Active Member
hello i have just started my first salt water aquarium i am currently cycling with no live sand and no live rock. i am using using some cocktail shrimp to intriduce amonia to my tank to start my cycle so im doing a fish less cycle im on about day 5 or 6 rite now. but my question is should i get a peice of live rock to help seed the rest of the tank with good bacteria i know the bacteria will develop over probally the next 4 to 6 weeks any ways but will the tank develop things like coraline algae's with out being introduced by a peice of live rock just not sure on this??
You will want to cycle with as much of the LS and LR as you can. So not to have a second cycle when you add the rest of it or else you would need to cycle the new LS and LR in a tank without live stock.


New Member
i probally would have rather gone with using live sand and live rock because its alot faster way to cycle a tank but im on a little bit of a budget so i just figured i could add a peice and then just give the tank plenty on time to build bacteria and slowely add live stock to the tank so i dont overwhelm the system


New Member
will coraline algae grow in a tank naturally with out putting in live rock that has some already growing on it?