cycling questions...


Active Member
Yeah, I know these things have probably already been asked, and I did do a search but was inundated with page after page of threads. Please bare with me...
I am now at day 3 into my tank cycle. I haven't checked parameters yet, I'm planning on doing that either tomorrow or Saturday.
My questions: is it normal during cycle for the water to become a little cloudy? Not terrible mind you (at least not yet), but noticeable to me. Also, I've been running my lights about 10-12 hours/day. Should I have those off during cycle, and should I not be running my filter? Also, the water smells a little fishey, I assume that's normal...we're talking rotting shrimp here.
Responses are appreciated. Thank you!! :joy:


IMO i say keep the lights on and let the tank do its thing (youll have an algea bloom) , as far as the water being cloudy that is normal . Now all you half to do is wait . I do suggest testing your water for a couple reasons , first it will give you practice that you need, in knowing how to read the tests, #2 it will help you down the road to know when something goes wrong, #3 it is fun to watch the wild swings the your tank will go through, just keep in mind this takes time and the slower you go the less problems youll have!

who dey

Active Member
to keep algae under control, run your lights on a 9 hr cycle. 10-12 is too much light and may cause algae concerns


Active Member
Bownut...I know I'm anxious to learn to do the testing. I need to purchase the kits at this point...that's what my delay is all about.
Who Dey...My filter is a Millennium 2000. Does that make a difference? Also, 9 hours it is with the lights. Thanks for the advice...again :rolleyes:

who dey

Active Member
your probably not going to like this response, but you should be turning your tank over a bout 12 times/hr. - a rate of 160gal/hr your 37 gallon tank is only turning over 4.3 times/hr. i'm only trying to help prevent future problems


Active Member
Who Dey,
I also have 2 maxi jet pw's that are going at 160 gph...will that do? Or are you saying that I need a bigger filter? geez...
Thanks Who Dey

who dey

Active Member
your powerhead;s are great for circulation, but i'm sorry to say your gonna need a bigger filter. how many animals do you want. corals fish etc... what's yo plan:notsure:


Active Member
Dang!!! I was going to get a bigger filter to begin with, but my daughter talked me out of it...and so did the LFS guy, who by the way was a real gem!! OK, the filter that I originally had my eye on was double what I have now...what do you think?
For now, at least for the first year of the tank, I just want to do FOWLR. I do eventually want to upgrade my lighting and whatever to include anenomes and soft corals. My original plan is for easy fish, clowns...that type of thing.
Advice?? Let me know about the filter....Thanks!!!

who dey

Active Member
i would suggest no less than an emperor 400. this would put you around 10 turnovers/hr. you could probably get away with this one with a light bio-load. but, trust me. you will get addicted to the hobby and always want to add more!!! so if you want some really good filtration i would put 2 biowheel 330's on there. :happy: your 37 will be flowwwwwwwwin


Active Member
Yeah, I know already about the addiction thing. But I think for now I need to take it slow, as they say. Not only for learning, but also for the financial aspect. Do you think that my present filter will be ok for now...believe me, constant upgrades are in my future, but I don't want to compromise the cycle process...I will definitely purchase a new filter at this point if I need to.
Thanks again!!

who dey

Active Member
don't trust me on this one but i think you may be ok switching down the road as you increase your bio load because your LR (hope you have some?) will act as your biological filter. and there should be enough beneficial bacteria in your water to continue your cycle through the filter switch? anyone else help me out on this one. i'm a sump kinda guy


Active Member
Right now I have 40# of sand (not live) and I have 10# of base and 30# of live rock...let me know what you think. Thanks...
Oh yeah, weak filter or not, do I run it during cycle?

who dey

Active Member
oh yes, run that baby that i'm sure of! great amt of rock IMO you should be fine. again anyone else help on this one??????:notsure:


OK, WHO DEY...I'm going to barge in on Lisa's post here and ask another filter question. I haven't bought anything yet and am still reading and doing my research. I'm planning on getting either a 55g or a 72 bow front tank. What filter would you suggest? I'm trying to get a price list together so I have an idea of how much money I need to save up, etc.
And Lisa...did you buy your LR at a local store in WI or did you order online?


NixPack- Just to throw out what I had done for my 75gal. I bought 2 Emperor 400 canister filters and also had 4 power heads for flow. The 2 filters kept the water pristine and provided great turnover, about 10X or so. The best way to get great turnover on your tank is to use a wet/dry or sump. That way you don't clutter the back of the tank with filters and you can by the right pump and overflow for whatever turnover you need or want. Even better would be to have the tank drilled so you don't need to buy an external overflow. HTH.


MonaLisa- Your present filter will be fine for now. But you will need to upgrade or purchase another when you increase your bio-load down the road. As far as changing down the road, you should be alright as long as you increase the LR a little. Make sure you tank goes through the cycle (with the filter running) and then add a little bit of LR when you have the chance and $$$. HTH.


Active Member
Great, thanks everybody.
Claudia, I bought my LR at my LFS. I wanted to see what I was getting before hand seeing as my tank isn't all that big.
Thanks again!!