From Moe, "The Marine Aquarium Handbook", 1992. Keep in mind that he advocates undergravel filters - it is an old book, but this procedure has worked for me in a variety of tanks. With lr the cycle may establish itself more quickly:
Use 6% ammonium chloride.
Day 1: Add 20 drops/10 gallons
Day 3: Add 20 drops/10 gallons
Day 5: Test ammonia. If below 2 ppm, add 20 drops/10 gallons. Skip dose if test not made.
Day 7: Add 20 drops/10 gallons if ammonia levels are below 2 ppm. Begin to test for nitrite levels.
Day 10: Nitrite levels should be at 5-10 ppm. Add 10 drops of ammonium chloride/10 gallons.
Day 30: By thi stime nitrites should have fallen to 3 ppm or less. If zero, begin to slowly introduce organisms. If not zero, wait up to another 10 days for levels to fall.